SAVE ME--no output from AI


New member
hey guys i'm back again! i'm sorry to say that i've been a horrible musician as of lately and haven't recorded anything in nearly 3 months... :(

anyways, please please please help with my situation! i fired up cubase le 4 last night and my good ole tascam 1641 interface, and recorded a speaking track just to test out my new shure sm58. i went for playback to listen to what i've recorded, BUT it wouldn't play it back for me. :mad:

Before you ask...yes, i turned off direct monitoring for playback, and i also disarmed the track from recording (if that does anything?) but i still could not hear a peep. cubase le was working just fine 3 months later it doesn't playback? that's not right at all!!!!

Help me please, i beg you. you guys have always been there to answer my questions before. :)

Also, i think it's something in cubase that i do not have set up right, because i can still play itunes and stuff through my studio monitors via the tascam. please ask any questionst necessary that will lead to a solution! :)
and just as more information...i was recording realllllllly hot too. my peak was about -3 on my track. still, no noise!

also, under device setup--vst audio system, i have tascam 1641 selected where the drop down bar is beside "ASIO driver". that's what i want , correct? all of that vst, asio, driver stuff has ALWAYS confused me! if someone wants to explain it, i will offer them a VERY ready ear!
Something i have noticed is that when i have my mixer in cubase brought up, it does not show any volume levels when the track is supposedly playing back... it only has the one vocal track, and then the main outputs, and neither one is rising up to show levels on playback...but like i said earlier--the track is being recorded!! it just isn't reaching it's destination it seems!!

Someone please help. I am completely lost. :(
I promise to be a willing, cooperative newbie. :) This has me completely boggled...i really want to be able to make some tunes, but i can't.

I need YOUR help. :)
I promise to be a willing, cooperative newbie. :) This has me completely boggled...i really want to be able to make some tunes, but i can't.

I need YOUR help. :)

Haha that's good to know ;)

Well, I'm not gonna be much help because I don't really understand DAWs that great (the set-up part), sooooo my best advice would be to just look up some tutorials on setting up Cubase! Check step by step to make sure it's correct!

Sorry you aren't getting much help on here, 7down. :o
I suppose it is possible that some MS updates or something could have messed with the driver. Have you ever updated the driver at Or the firmware update? Also, The 1641 is picky about other devices running on the same USB hub. I have had it act up while using an external drive on the same hub. I solved it by adding a separate PCIe UB2.0 card for $60. Have you changed any hardware or software over the last 3 months? Try reinstalling drivers first. Then change USB cable. It could be a VST mis-connection. There is always the possibility you need to 'trash preferences' (see forum).
Haha that's good to know ;)

Well, I'm not gonna be much help because I don't really understand DAWs that great (the set-up part), sooooo my best advice would be to just look up some tutorials on setting up Cubase! Check step by step to make sure it's correct!

Sorry you aren't getting much help on here, 7down. :o

i have tried that, but it is very difficult to find a nice tutorial on the internet that explains things clearly to me. Thank you for the suggestion though, guitaristic :)

I suppose it is possible that some MS updates or something could have messed with the driver. Have you ever updated the driver at Or the firmware update? Also, The 1641 is picky about other devices running on the same USB hub. I have had it act up while using an external drive on the same hub. I solved it by adding a separate PCIe UB2.0 card for $60. Have you changed any hardware or software over the last 3 months? Try reinstalling drivers first. Then change USB cable. It could be a VST mis-connection. There is always the possibility you need to 'trash preferences' (see forum).

hmmm thank you for this wealth of info, jimmys69! :) it is my only usb device running right now, so that's not the problem.

once i download the driver, what do i do with it? i went to and got the latest one (but it was from 2009, so i doubt i didn't have it before). i haven't changed any hardware, and no software that i can think of either.

To elaborate on my problem, i tried changing my mic input from a one-sided stereo (left only...mono source on a stereo input track because i'm a complete n00b!!!!) to a mono input, and now my device will not record at all. Gosh this is so frustrating to me!! Also, i think the following info may be of some use--i have the click track set to count off (8 beats before recording begins) but i cannot hear it through my cans when i click the record button. i can, however, hear myself through my cans when direct monitoring is enabled. but like i said before, the grey recording bar showing the recorded wavelengths no longer appears beside audio track 1, and i am now unable to record anything at all...

here are some pictures that might help...vst connections input.jpg

^^that's my mic input. it sucks because it's not recording at all.

Device setup.JPG

^^this is the page that confuses me the most. do i have things set up correctly??
i will be happy to post any pictures or information that will lead to a solution easily, for both myself and anyone willing to help me!

also, i am so very thankful to mjb, guitaristic, and jimmy for helping me so far! it's good to know people are kind on here :)
No problem 7down. Just try to come back and contribute to the forum in the future. So many just come here, get there free fix on, and never return with stupid jokes or even thank you's. lol.

Ok, let's try a few things. I'm assuming that you have 32 bit XP or Vista since the latest driver for you is 2009 correct? First off, have you installed the Update and the Hotfix? Cubase LE 4*:**|*

Make sure to install the update before the hotfix or you will need to reinstall LE4 altogether, which we may have to do anyway.

Are you familiar with buffer settings? Devices>Device Setup>US1641>Control Panel-set it to normal latency for now.

Post a snapshot of your VST Connections output too.

Start with that before we start reinstalling things. I have had all kinds of pain in the ass with LE4 in the past. Never an issue with the 1641.
Wait a minute, I just noticed the snipping tool. You are on W7. Still same driver unless you have 64 bit Windows installed. :D

Make sure 1641 is set as your default sound device as well. Control Panel>Sound.

I apologize if any of my advice ever comes off condescending or stating any obvious stuff. I just have no idea how much you know and sometimes problems can be related to a simple oversight. I know I have had a few of those!

No problem 7down. Just try to come back and contribute to the forum in the future. So many just come here, get there free fix on, and never return with stupid jokes or even thank you's. lol.

Haha ok! I promise to bring plenty of both!

Ok, let's try a few things. I'm assuming that you have 32 bit XP or Vista since the latest driver for you is 2009 correct? First off, have you installed the Update and the Hotfix? Cubase LE 4*:**|*

Are you familiar with buffer settings? Devices>Device Setup>US1641>Control Panel-set it to normal latency for now.

Hmmm well I went to Control Panel, then clicked on US1641, then it looks like this:device.jpg

It won't let me click on "Device" :o

Post a snapshot of your VST Connections output too.

Start with that before we start reinstalling things. I have had all kinds of pain in the ass with LE4 in the past. Never an issue with the 1641.

Here ya go! outputs.jpg

Wait a minute, I just noticed the snipping tool. You are on W7. Still same driver unless you have 64 bit Windows installed. :D

Make sure 1641 is set as your default sound device as well. Control Panel>Sound.

I apologize if any of my advice ever comes off condescending or stating any obvious stuff. I just have no idea how much you know and sometimes problems can be related to a simple oversight. I know I have had a few of those!


it's ok Jimmy! you are being very helpful, thank you! :) i actually have 64-bit Vista (Vista was the first to have snipping tool on it!). i have the 1641 set as my default device, so no problems there! i don't know very much when it comes to this aspect of DAWs (not even sure how i got it working the first time, tbh!), so this could just be a simple oversight or it could be any other problem really!

Thanks! :D
Sorry, I was tied up at work. Well there is your problem^^^^. The latest 64bit driver is 2.02. Download and install it. Product: US-1641 | TASCAM

Do the firmware update while you are there as well just in case. I am guessing one of these is the whole problem. :D
Sorry, I was tied up at work. Well there is your problem^^^^. The latest 64bit driver is 2.02. Download and install it. Product: US-1641 | TASCAM

Do the firmware update while you are there as well just in case. I am guessing one of these is the whole problem. :D

Ahhhh ok, thanks!! I will update that and the firmware if necessary and then get back to you!

Once again, thank you so much!!! You have relieved a great deal of stress from my life!!!
Thank you so much Jimmy! It works great now! :D If i were near, I'd buy you a cold one.

It feels good to be able to record again :)