Save It For My Baby

All right! Nice old school groove'. I like it. Everybody's in the pocket.. that really makes it.
I'd say go ahead a be a little more proud on the verse vocals -get em out there. Choruses come through ok but right off the top they need to grab the spot. ;)
Nice tune. My only nit is the bass is a tad bit boomy. You may want to tame it a bit below 100hz.

Nice, tight groove going on. I love the piano solo in the middle.
Thanks for the listen. I'll be remixing it this weekend and will keep your comments in mind. Will repost the result.

Totally love this one, love the little guitar riffs over top and the piano cuts through really nicely. Oh and I'm a huge fans of really I guess you could say soft rides and the ride in this sounds fantastic!
Thanks, snellular5,

The drum hit samples are thanks to an aquaintence of mine from England over in the Cakewalk "Songs" forum. His handle is Jonbouy, and he also did some tweaking to my drum sequence to liven it up a bit.

Maybe this is a good time to give credits to those who collaborated with me on this one:

Silversmith (Andy McClellen) from the VSPlanet did the piano and bongos.

Virtualan (Alan Smith) also from VSPlanet on bass and backing vocals.

Thanks for the listens.

By the way, it looks like doing the remix isn't going to happen this week, Saturday's full and Sunday I sing at a funeral.