Sansui WS-X1 Problems

Strange Fires

New member
Hey, I recently picked up a Sansui WS-X1 used, and I'm having a hard time trying to record on it.

I found an old ad for it, and I'm trying to record 3-4 tracks (guitar [mono or stereo, depending on the track], drum machine, and vocals) onto Channels 5-6 (as outlined in the "6 Will Get You 10" section). I'm unable to do this, but I'm able to set it up for direct recording, which I can't pan (which I want to do). Do I need to record 3/4 tracks direct, THEN buss them?

Also, I can't get the reverb to work. I've tried adjusting the reverb send levels and the levels on the reverb itself. Any way to fix this?

This thing looks like it has serious potential (and the direct recorded stuff I've done sounds GREAT), but is it ever frustrating :mad: