Sansui Mixer


New member
Does anyone have any information or know anything about the Sansui MX-12 Recording Mixer?, i got it as a gift and i cant find anything online about it.
Yo Stardom:

A long, long, time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away....oops, excuse me; my literary bent carries me away sometimes.

Sansui? Chop Sui? I think my very first multitracker was a Sansui which I bought blind from a place in California that still does business called Bananas.

They sent me an ugly box with stuck buttons, etc. I struggled with it and it did record fairly well -- however, before you buy the Sansui gear, I would certainly check out some of the other MAJOR brands.

Green Hornet:D :p :cool:
I have a old sansui hifi system in the corner of my studio as a bass trap! :D (will get rid of it in a garage sale one day....)
Sansui Mixer Pic

Thanx for the advice you guys!...I only got this piece of equipment because it was a gift...if it were left up to me I would have bought a modern name brand one, but beggers cant be choosie, and money is tight right now.

This mixer is in really good condition, almost looks new, has all the buttons, turns on etc...I'm not looking to purchase any Sansui gear because i think they discontinued making recording equipment, and I can't find anything on them!!! I'd rather buy something within this generation (lol). If anyone out there has any info on this thing please let me know.

I think I'm going to end up taking the damn thing to Sam Ash and see what they can tell me.(lol)

I have included a picture of the mixer (Sansui MX-12)

Can anybody recommend a good multitrack recorder perferrably digital that i can get to start of with?


  • mixer.webp
    19.4 KB · Views: 862
that's ok man...i thought it was gonna look crapier :D :D
JK man...
Have you tried recording anything with it..?? How does it sound?
I guess, how can it sound? :D :D nah JK again man....try it let us know how you go ...
Anyone been around long enought to remember the old Ross four-track cassette machine?

I've been trying to hunt down a picture but haven't had any luck.

That was my first four-track in '85.
JEStardom -

HJow many channels does it have?
And does it have Direct Outs?

An ADAT comes to mind, actually...

It has 12 channels and 2 busses. It was meant to work in tandem with sansuis 6 track cassette recorder. Had one and gave it to my niece. It was given to me. She still has it but probably never uses it. She might want to sell it cheap. She has the recorder also but it has a short some where and is iffy, works sometimes.
Back View of Sansui Mixer

Hey Guys,
Its me again =), Ive taken the liberty of making a drawing of the back of the Sansui Mixer. Take a look and tell me what you think of it and what you know about this piece of equipment. Im eager to learn and know what I can do with this mixer.

Thanx Guys,


  • mixer.webp
    29.1 KB · Views: 350
hi There, I'm going to put new life in this thread because I saw this mixer on ebay for only 150€:)! No money, and I still have no mixer.... but maybe I should save to buy a better one..

anyway, JEStardom, if you're still here, what are the results on this mixer?
i saw a great opportunity to buy this mixer as well..but do to lack of info..i couldnt make a still debating buyin it..i can get it for like 50 bucks..should be decent enough for mixing my keys and mpc shouldnt and sending the signal back to my soundcard to record via pc?
JEStardom posted 4 times on this site. Three of them were in this thread, the last of which was in October 2002. I'd hazard a guess that, with nothing having been heard of them for 10 years, they either got the info they needed or gave up. And as nothing was added to this thread from 2005, I think it's fair to say that your enthusiastic response is a mite late and won't be solving the on going dispute between Britain and Argentina over the Falklands/Malvinas..........