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I just bought a sansamp bass di, i have heard so many awesome things about it.I had never heard a bad review of it.Well i plugged this thing in direct as soon as i got home, oh manis this thing ever noisy, am i doing somethign wrong?
My one is completely quiet. However be aware the box as it comes does not give out a full line level signal. (I think there is a fix for this somewhere on the Tech 21 website). You need to plug it into a quiet pre to get a strong enough signal for your soundcard.
actually my new souncraft mixer isnt here yet, so i tried going from sanamp to digitech bp-8 and got lots of noize
My digitech bnx3 is pretty noisy (I use it live but it's unusable for recording). But you'd have noticed before if that was the problem. Once you have your mixer you'll be able to figure out if the Sansamp is faulty.
Have you checked your cables? I have an OLD (i.e. original) SansAmp that works flawlessly. I'd check all your cables and whatnot, then take the sucker back if you can't clean up the noise.

take care,
yo you are plugging the sansamp into a floor box??? just plug it right into your recording input. or your PA. or a line in somewhere. not a guitar in.
Are you sure its noise and not a ground loop? I used to get a ground loop when going from my SansAmp's XLR output with a XLR-TS cable. Switching to a balanced cable fixed that. Unfortunately though it doesn't look like your soundcard has balanced inputs.