Samson C01U or M-Audio Session Music Producer


New member
Hello! i am a rapper and im planning to buy a new microphone. i rap very fast and i want a mic that will be able to record almost every syllable correctly. im currently looking at two at the moment, one is the Samson C01U and the other is a M-Audio Session Music Producer. I got a friend selling both for 90$ each. i need help choosing which ones the best. Heres what im looknig for.

Best for recording rap.
Good vocal quality.
Highest level output without distortion.
Compatability with audacity and other recording programs.

Heres the links:

feel free to ask further questions. and thanks in advance for all the help :]
Hello! i am a rapper and im planning to buy a new microphone. i rap very fast and i want a mic that will be able to record almost every syllable correctly. im currently looking at two at the moment, one is the Samson C01U and the other is a M-Audio Session Music Producer. I got a friend selling both for 90$ each. i need help choosing which ones the best. Heres what im looknig for.

Best for recording rap.
Good vocal quality.
Highest level output without distortion.
Compatability with audacity and other recording programs.

Heres the links:

feel free to ask further questions. and thanks in advance for all the help :]

Please choose only one forum to make your post. Double and triple posting is against terms of service for the site. I deleted you other identical posts and left this one.

Good luck in your search for a mic.
oh sorry about that im new, just signed up today and i didn't know. sorry :[

No problem. I saw another post somewhere asking a similar question, you might want to look for it and see what's been said there. You can also use the search function to see what's been posted in the past. Most every question has been asked and answered.

Good luck, have fun and welcome to the site.
i searched up the C01U mic and i found things about it. but the thing is i want a side by side comparison. :[ and ther is no post of the m-audio session music producer either.
i searched up the C01U mic and i found things about it. but the thing is i want a side by side comparison. :[ and ther is no post of the m-audio session music producer either.

Must not be anyone who has experience with either mic to help you out.

Basically, a condensor mic will be a good fit for you. Which one you get depends on several things, but if you're like most of us, it's mainly money. I recently read a post where someone said the Samson USB mic transmits noise from the computer through the usb connection. I think he meant the physical connection and not electrical noise. That might be a problem particular to his situation, though.

Another concern to pay attention to is your recording space. Getting the room to sound good goes a long way towards recording quality stuff. Check out the Studio build section for a lot of info there.

You probably already found the dj/hh/rap section. A lot of knowledgeable regulars there who started out where you are. You can post what you've got for critique and recommendations.

Good luck, have fun.
The Samson one is terrible. Because it has no headphone jack, you basically can't record with it unless you don't care about hearing whatever is playing back at the time. Borderline worthless for recording anything but podcasts.

The M-Audio isn't much better. I'd be surprised if any USB microphone were usable, much less good. USB mics generally use a dirt-cheap 16-bit 48kHz A/D chip that is pretty noisy and just generally sounds terrible. Looking at the specs, I can tell that the M-Audio mic is no exception to that rule.

Put it this way, I'd put money on a Nady SP-1 microphone and the cheapest M-Audio USB interface sounding better than the best USB mic, and that's saying something because the SP-1 is an $8 microphone.... There are no good USB mics, only bad USB mics and worse USB mics. Do yourself a favor and avoid the USB mic scene entirely.
but i dont plan to get the studio quality stuff. im just a 14 year old kid who raps and i dont plan to make any money out of it. im just a well known freestyler around my school. i have a 100 dollars that i made from repairing computers and i wanted to use it to buy either mic. as long as my voice is heard on the beat, then its all good because right now im using a karaoke dynamic microphone with no preamp and it sounds awful x]. so yea i just want to know which one is better for my budget.
Try them both, they're both from the same friend yes? Buy the one YOU like the best. Or buy neither if you don't like either of them and keep looking,
i cant try them though. my friend has connections with some producers from l.a. whichever i want, he gonna get it sent for me. but from the looks of it it looks like the m-audio one is nice, it has the headphone jack, and it looks relly nice.

Save up your money kid & buy something decent so you won't keep regretting your purchase as you learn this long journey we call home recording...

IMHO get a SM58 (or SM57) and a MXL USB Mic Mate.

Either of those mics will last a lifetime, and have good sound.
The Mic Mate is a nice clean pre BTW.

Seems not, seems nobody likes either of them. If your choice is just between either of those two, buy the one you like the best.
can anyone please tell me which is the better out of the two mics? :[

Which is better, accidentally shooting yourself in the left foot or in the right foot? :D

Seriously, if there were a good answer, I'd give it. I'm all for finding ways to do recording at low cost. But you're basically asking us to choose between two really terrible pieces of hardware that cost ten times what they're worth.

I'd pay $10 for one of those. Paying $100 for junk just doesn't make sense. That $100 is close enough to the cost of usable hardware that it really makes no sense to go with either of those.

Spend that $100 on this:

and a $20 microphone. That way, when you outgrow the microphone in a week, you've only wasted $20 instead of $100.

Better yet, scrape up another $20 or so and buy the above with this:

That ought to at least be usable.

Or ideally, spend a little over $100 on the interface by itself:

(when you add it to your cart, it's $106 plus shipping) and get a MUCH better piece of hardware.

Like I said, you're in the same price ballpark as quality hardware, but you're getting cast-off parts that the major audio hardware manufacturers stopped buying years ago, so the chip makers are stuck with the parts and offloading them for pennies on the dollar to China, where they are stuck into equally cheap junk mics....
can anyone please tell me which is the better out of the two mics? :[

Like I said before, it seems no one has any direct experience with either mic and can't make any suggestions between the two. But DGatwood is giving you good advice here. The links he gave should work well for you.

When you finally get something going, be sure to post some links up on the site.

my friend has connections with some producers from l.a. whichever i want, he gonna get it sent for me. but from the looks of it it looks like the m-audio one is nice, it has the headphone jack, and it looks relly nice.

Your friend is getting these mikes from a "producer in LA"? No real producer in LA would be using either one of these things.
i was planning to go that way before the condenser mics actually. but i just dont have any shops that specialize in recording hardware. nor can i buy online because im only 14. but by the looks of it i am just going to buy the m-audio one.
my parents dont like buying things online. they dont like risking their credit card number, identity, and our addresses through online :[ well im feeling good about the m-audio one.