sampling help


New member
here I go with a beginner question, Im looking at samplers right now and am wondering what are better, Rackmounts or tabletop. I also need a drum machine and was told you can load drum sounds into a unit such as the mpc2000 and use it as a drum machine, is this true? , can you do the same thing with a rackmount? also I was wondering where you get the other types of sounds, I have a very old keyboard from when I was 12, its a casio that was probably decent when bought but is way outdated now, It has midi ports but Im guessing that you have to have a qaulity sound to send into the sampler to get out a qaulity sound right? any help is appreciated.
OK, here I go. Im nosey !!! "Ally" are you a girl? LOL and "since I was 12". How old are you now? Im just curious because Im 26, and my gorgeous wife is just starting to get into playing piano. I cant teach her (cause I dont have any patience) so shes taking lessons.

Ok, now that I got my nosiness out of me, on to your question. Sorry.

Rackmount or tabletop? Hmmm, thats entirely up to you. Thats just a matter of preference and space to place it. My opinion is this:

Go online to EBAY. Your best bet is an Akai "S" series. Like the S2000, S2800, or S3000. You can use your sampler as a drum machine privided that your using an external sequencer with the above mentioned samplers. I use CUVASE VST. Its a computer-base Digital Audio Recording/Midi sequencing. The way that I do it is, Lets just say Midi channels 11-16 I will assign rythym parts as follows:

Midi channel 11 = Closed Hi Hat
Midi channel 12 = Open Hi Hat
Midi channel 13 = Kick Drum
Midi channel 14 = Snare Drum
Midi channel 15 = Cymbals
Midi channel 16 = Toms, and percussion parts: bells, congas, ect.

The above mentioned samplers are fantastic, they are world famous. The ASR-10 made by Ensoniq is also an awesome sampler. There are many places that sell samples either on floppy disks or cd rom.

Companies like: Kid Nepro, East West, Midimark Productions

Hope that I've helped you. Any questions, just buzz me.

ok since you helped me i'll accept the noseyness. lol. uh
no i'm not a girl, but don't tell anyone, I seem to get more help when people think i'm a girl, It's just a nckname that was given to me a while back. I'm 23 years old, and as far as piano, I don't play. my parents bought me the keyboard hoping I would give up the guitar for piano, all though I love the guitar more than anything else i wished I would have taken the time to learn a little of the piano.

okay so the sequencer is in the software? I'm so new to midi it's not funny! Iwas at sam ash yesterday trying to get some help on all this and he ws telling me that the mpc2000 would be better for what I wanted because you can use the pads to trigger your drum sounds, which sounds logical to me, but I don't know? How do most people use drum machines? I mean do they program them or use the pads to trigger them. also in my setup i would like have as many sounds as I can get. so I'm confused if you don't have a keyboard how do you know if the sounds are going to be the right pitch. I'm gonna go look around the web and try to find the s2000 for minute. when i was out yesterday they had an akai unit that looked a little like thes s5000, but for around 600 dollars, which is what i'd like to spend. I don't want to have to drop 1,300 on an mpc and not be able to get anything else ya know.

I'm definetly getting some sort of program to run on the computer and have mainly looked at cakewalk and cubase but haven't made any decisions yet. I currently have a fostex digital mixer and digital eight track and am starting to wonder if using the hard drive on my computer when I get the software might be easier. thanks for your time. ( oh yeah, I can still be a girl if this helps with better answers. hah!)
Ok first of all, my opin as a studio owner/producer/engineer:
I personally dont like the mpc2000 because its like a "drummachine" you assign each pad a sample such as a snare, hi hat, or what ever. What I do is use a keyboard as a "master controller". That means that all of my midi instruments are controlled by the "master controller".
The asr-10 comes in 2 forms. With keys and without. Get the one with the keys, or get a s2000 or s3000 and get a master controller. The akai is actually the better of the to companies-akai vs ensoniq. I do so much with my Akai, and I still ask around for advice and info. Youll never know it ALL. But anyway, I use the keys on my master controller to "trigger" each sound...snare, hi hat, ect. You can get an akai s3000 for about 500-600 $$$ on Ebay.

Any other ques, just ask.

Later, Mike
Sweet! so I might be able to link my old keyboard to control the akai probably, until I can get a good master controller?
that would be great, see my dilema is I saved around 1,600 dollars and was real confused on what exacttly to get, not wanting to blow it all on one piece that i wasn't sure if it would do what I wanted. I liked the s2000 which is what I saw at sam ash, but the guy tried to steer me towards the mpc making it sound like I couldn't really do drum sounds on the s2000. (maybe he wanted more commission?). any way I appreciate all the help man, my mind is slowly starting to grasp this stuff. my money was supposed to go mostly into a new guitar, but check this a week ago I got my my hand stuck in two conveyer belts at my second job (the one that pays for my music addictions) hence, bring on the midi. so none the less i'll keep asking and reading and hopefully soon i'll make the purchase. your knowledge is greatly appreciated to us beginners, and I'm sure i'll be asking for your help agin soon. ( ikinda feel bad cause i'm always asking questions and am not yet knowledgeable enough to give much advice back). thanks alot man.
No problem on the help. Just ask. I would stay away from the S2000, Its a good piece, BUT it has a drawback. If I remember correctilly, its not multitimbral. I could be very wrong. Its been a long time since I've used it. Multitimbral meaning "capable of playing multiple sounds at the same time". You could use the S2000, but have to load each sound and record each sound at a time. For example, load a Hi Hat sample into the S2000. Do your midi sequence, then record it as a audio track. Then to the snare and bass drum, and so on, and so on. Get the S3000xl, its on Ebay for about 400-600 $$$. THATS A SMOKING DEAL. I've bought so much stuff on Ebay its not even funny. I've saved thousands of $ $ $. Stay away from the S2000, trust me. Good Piece, But Outdated...considered everything thing these days is multitimbral.

And PS, get a Roland JW-50 for your master controller, great piece, great price.

And also, one last thing.....(yeah right, I dont shut up, just ask my gorgeous wife...I keep saying that cause I've been married 4.5 years and shes still fine, but I ramble sometimes) definately get that Roland, you wont be sorry

In defense of this Sam Ash salesman, the MPCs (2000, 3000, etc) are noted for having a very superior sequencer. The timing on MPC sequencers is so good that many records are sequenced through them without every going through a computer-based sequencer (e.g. R. Kelly). I'm not sure if you're using a computer sequencer or have another, but even if you got an Akai sampler like the S3000, you would still need to get a sequencer of some sort. So the Sam Ash guy may not have been trying to steal your money.

A lot depends on what type of music you want to do. If you're interested in doing music that uses "beats" and strong rhythms (hip hop, dance, drum and bass, R&B, etc) then the MPC may not be such a bad choice, because you would eventually want one. If you need mostly melodic sounds (pianos, keys, basses, etc...) plus drums then it would be better to consider either a sampler (like the Akai), a keyboard (Roland XP 30, 60, 80; Korg Trinity or Triton) or a module (Emu Proteus 2000, Mo' Phatt; Roland JV 2080, XV 3080, 5080; Korg Triton rack, TR rack, etc). Keep in mind that with a sampler you are going to need a CD-ROM and probably a Zip drive or SCSI hard disk, more RAM.... AND with hardware samplers, you will have to WAIT for the sounds to load (this takes away from the creative process). With a good module the sounds are always "right there" when you turn it on. With the modules or the sampler you will have to get a controller (there are some good controllers that come without sounds starting at ~$150 ).

My opinion is that you need something like the Korg Triton keyboard. It has great sounds, a sequencer PLUS it can read samples. If you want a module, consider the Korg Triton rack or the Roland XV 5080. They both read samples are expandeable and have great sounds. You would have to get a controller keyboard to use them. I think that you would be happier with one really good product than a couple products that didn't quite do EXactly what you wanted.

Anppilot, Did you really mean "XP 50" as your favorite controller? I've never heard of a "JW" anything by Roland.

Rev E
NO, I do mean "JW-50". I get that alot from people. Not many people have heard of it. I believe it came out in late 1991. I think I was in 11th grade (ok, so im young). I saved, and saved for it; and when I graduated in 1992, I still didnt have enough, (you know, mininum wage as a teenager part time doesnt go far) So when I bought it in 1993, It was almost phased-out and I bought it for $900 brand new. I was saving for $2000 because that is how much it was. Being a kid, and never buying anything so expensive, did'nt realize how as things get phased out, their price dropped. So anyway enough with the rambling, I wound up having enough where I bought the JW-50 for $900, and had enough left over and bought a DR-660 for drums.

So anyway, The JW-50 is a workstation. It has a Roland MC-500, an MT-32 in one unit, and a 16 channel MIDI mixer. Its a really nice piece of equipment. It was my first major purchase, and definately has been well used.

The thing that I love about it is that it has a 16 track MIDI mixer that can be used for real time changes when recording. I use the mixing section for volume fade ins/outs, panning.

Heres a link to my baby (god I've been married to long, im even talking like her now !!!)

Check it out:

Two questions:

1. What's with the name? What's an "anppilot" and

2. The 1800+ sounds that you got for your Roland board. Are these Sound Diver presets or presets in roland's proprietary format (i.e. stuff to put on floppies for certain keyboards). Why I ask, is I have an XP 30, which does not come with a floppy drive like the XP 50, 60, 80 etc. So if you're talking Sound Diver presets, I'm interested in your sounds (If you're still interested in emailing them) 'cause I have Sound Diver.

Rev E
I didn't really mean to knock the sam ash guy, he was very helpful, i guess I just didn't want to hear how much money I would have to spend to get a good system. okay here it is, what I want to do is add to my guitar parts. it gets very boring having any beats and sounds besides guitar. not really hip hop not really techno not really groove music. so my budget to add to my current system is around 1,200 to 1,500
and I'm really struggling to make desicions. At first I saw the triton and trinity and thought the trinity might be in my budget and useful but it doesn't sample or have a good sequencer. obviously i want to get as good a product as I can get. but the triton is out of my range.I'm looking through some catalogues and it says "new multimode for easy multitimbral setup and layering"? for the s-2000. and also I saw an EMU esi 2000 and it says 16 part multimbrality. Oh yeah thanks for that bit annpilot cause I didn't even now what multimbrality was. (learn somethin new every day, I love this!) anyway now I'm wondering what a module does. does It just give a library of sounds. I'll leave it with this since I know iv'e blown you guys ears off with this. I'll be waitin for the advice.

just thought of somethin else. Isn't a master controller a keyboard? and rev, your right I definetly want somethin that doesn't steal from the creative process if that helps. thanks guys.
"anppilot" What is it? Obviously you dont know anything about aviation. But thats ok, not everyone is, well, perfect...just kidding. "A&P" is a FAA issued license for Aviation Maintenance Technicians. The "A" is for Airframe which is everything on the aircraft except the engines. "P" is for PowerPlant which is the engines minus everything else on the aircraft. They are two seperate licenses. You must pass over 180 test in school, then pass 3 oral tests, 3 intense written tests, 3 practical (hands on) tests to get licenses from the FAA. Also, I am a pilot. Hope that explains my name.

Anyway, onto the real stuff.
#1. I've used Soundiver for about 6 months and not to sound naieve but, when you say "soundiver presets", what do you mean?

#2. What I have done is, I have found what I believe is EVERY SINGLE JV-1080, JV-1080, XP-30,50,60,80 website out there and have downloaded every single patch that is out there in cyberspace.
Total patches downloaded is 2380. What I did was use the Win JV/XP program that I found on the Internet and organized them into obvious banks of 128 (all 2380 of them). Which gave me 18 banks of 128 patches, and a few left over. I copied the names of the patches and pasted them into Microsoft Word (all 2380 of them) then printed them out. I pursuaded my lovely wife into graciously helping me finding all of the doubles and triples to try to eliminate them. We eliminated about 380-400 of them. We were astonished to see how many duplicates that I had.

NOTE: This was a month before I purchased Soundiver.

So anyway, after we found all of the doubles, I deleted them. Which if I remember, left me with now 15 banks...I think. So when I bought Soundiver, I wanted to create a "MASTER PATCH LIST". So I started loading the .SYX files into the USER bank of the 1080. Now thanks to Soundiver, that gave me a visual of all 128 patches in the user bank on my computer screen. I created a brand new Library in which I called "MASTER PATCH LIST". I then copied and pasted each bank into the new library. Well as you know, Soundiver will tell you if your adding any duplicate patches. HA HA !!!!! Guess what? Wifey poo and I thought we got all the duplicates out, well, number 1, she was pissed that Soundiver filters duplicates out (cause I got the "you wasted my time helping you" speech). WOMEN!!! Thats ok. because it elliminated another 50 or 60 patches which left me with over 1800 DIFFERENT NON DUPLICATED patches.

Now what I can do, is, send you the file that I have of my "MASTER PATCH LIST".
One problem might occur is this: Toward the bottom of the list are patches that require the Dance and Techno expansion boards. If you want, I can either send them also to you, or delete them and just send you the 1800 or so. Its up to you.

I hoped I have enlightened you. Any other ques., just give me a buzz.


What I meant by "Sound Diver" presets was what you have (as I understand you). I just simply meant files that are readeable and managed by your Sound Diver rather than directly through the floppy drive of your Roland board. I have the XP 30, which does not have a floppy drive as the XP 50, 60, 80 and some other Roland boards. Since I have no experience with these boards, I wasn't sure that files of a Roland format floppy were directly compatible with the file data that Sound Diver reads. So that was the source of my issue. BTW, my XP 30 comes with the Dance/Techno board, so I should have no problems with these patches. If the total file size is less than 5.5 MB then, you are safe to send it to my listed email address ( If not, let me know by email and I'll give you my work email, where I can receive much larger emails. Thanks in advance.
Rev E
Hey Rev,

You Got Mail.

I sent you My Soundiver Master Library.

Hope you enjoy!!!


Did you ever check out my "JW-50" from that hyperlink I added?

I am going out of town tomorrow. I haven't had a chance to check them out, but I will when I get back after the new year.

Rev E