Sampletank vs. sound module


New member
I am seriously considering buying Sampletank. First question- Is it easy to use? Do you play the samples in real time via midi controller? I had the JV1010 and it was extremely easy to use, and I want Sampletank to be just as easy. I had midi controller hoked to JV1010 via midi cable and JV1010 hooked to mixer via analog cable. I know sampletank will be straight midi all the way, and I have no knowledge of midi. I am looking for some advice. Is sampletank really as awesome as everyone says it is? Thanks- I hope this doesn't sound like too stupid a question!
I don't do tons with MIDI, but I have Sampletank and I've used it. I like it a lot, but then my demands on it are pretty light.

Yes, as long as your recording program support VST Instruments, you can "play" it with a MIDI controller. It isn't particularly hard to set up and your recording software manuals should cover it pretty well.

Most of the sounds are good and useable if you aren't really picky. Since I put most of the sounds in the background of real instruments I can get away with it pretty easily. It beats the other GM soft synths that I've played with hands down.

I just love having hundreds of sounds around to try out with some little melody or another. would that sound as a tombone? Ewww! Ok, how 'bout a plucked viola? Not bad...but what about a pipe organ? :D

Warning! Sampletank, and any other soft synth, is going to be a resource hog. They LOVE to eat memory and processor space. But the are SO convenient that I love them anyway. :)

Take care,
Sampletank is very easy to use, I've been using it for a couple of months now and I'm pretty happy with it, I found that the sounds in sampletank sound much more realistic than the jv-1080 I used to have. For better soundset (IMHO) you could look into Sonic Reality's Sonic Synth which is based on the sampletank engine but provides a different soundset.

You can listen to demos on their website.