Sample rate problem or something else?


New member
Yesterday I went to a studio for recording of vocals. I had made the track at home my self and studio was only used for the voice recording purpose.
I made the track in Cubase 5 and my operating system is Windows.I had mixed the track in wave file with 44.100 kHz sample rate 32bit (float).
Now, when the sound recorder in the studio imported the track , it was cracking when the kick was played and also the quality was ruined. The studio had Pro Tools and the operating system there, was Mac.
The track sounded proper in my system but it sounded really bad in the studio with crackling noise. The sound recorder had an argument saying we use high-fi system blah blah blah...and the problem is in your (i.e my) track.
I was totally confused what is the problem. ! Any comments on it?
Dunno if this is still the case but I used to have to convert my 32 bit float files to 24 bit integer when I used to take them to work to put on the Protools system there--or 48 bit for the Protools HD system.
