Sample differences


New member
I'm going to buy my first sample Cd; what's the main difference between Audio or Akai, Emu, Giga etc. Is it just that those formats come already mapped and sliced on your MIDI keyboard?
Could the same job be done manually on the audio version using something like Wavelab for editing? Cheers!
Audio: It's a normal audio-CD and you need to rip off the sound yourself:
Akai: Samples for Akai's samplers (or compatible samplers)
EMU: I guess EMU makes samplers (?). Or maybe soundfonts..
Giga : Gigasampler. Software-sampler with harddisk-streaming.

I hope I wasn't too far off... ;)
EMU: I guess EMU makes samplers (?).

LOL... they made one of the first (if not the first) commercially available samplers, the Emulator.

sebastianb20, the short answer is yes, those formats (Akai, Emu, Giga) come already mapped and sliced for playing via your MIDI keyboard, but of course your hardware (or software, in the case of software samplers) needs to be able to load these sounds too.