Sample-based alterna-pop


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The best guitar you never heard!


I've done this via a Shure SM57 into the comp, then edited/filtered/looped various pieces together. Yet, the vocals sound too "on top" (i.e. karaoke). They are double-tracked. Is there a good way to edit / master this kinda stuff?

I realize this sort of thing isn't the usual cup of tea for most on the board (no live instruments, etc.) but I'd appreciate any sort of feedback at all.

Many thanks,


here is the link to the mp3
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Because your song was streaming at 128k, it kept jumping on me. Bear in mind a lot of us are on slower connections than you. I did notice the "Sweethome Alabama" sample and the "What A Man" sample by Salt n Pepa/En Vogue. Am I right in saying this is a dance workout of the old Lynard Skynard tune?
Hi Royston:

Thank you for listening, and for your response.


Actually, it didn't even occur to me that anyone would "stream" the song - I usually right-click and download. As far as the bit rate, I didn't want to go any lower and lose too much quality. Should I go 64k? I didn't want too much static...

>by Salt n Pepa...

Wow, I didn't know anyone else used that. I actually used the original by Linda Lyndell. You've got pretty good ears to pick up on it though - it's kinda buried.

>dance workout...

Not really! I was trying more for a Fatboy Slim/Beck type thing.

As you didn't really post any opinions, am I correct in assuming you thought it sucked? No offense taken if so, but - as I wrote - I'm interested in any feedback whatsoever. The vocals are supposed to be the selling point. There's a neat bit of sitar at the end that sounds almost vocal as well.

Thanks again,
