Same song, Two Versions


New member
I did two versions of the same song. One is a more acoustic country style and the other is a rock version. Give a listen, let me know what you think.

Song is Angry Inside.

Both are recorded using:

M-Audio Delta 1010 into Sonar 3.1.1
Vocal chain is MXL990 -> RNP -> RNC -> Audio Interface
Electric Guitars are ADA MP1 directly to console.
Acoutic Guitars are Behringer B5s -> RNP -> ART PRO VLA -> Audio Interface
Bass is DI to console
Piano is Sound Canvas
Drums are a combination of NSKit and AKAI MPC1000 samples driven by DR-008

Thanks for listening.
The rock version sounded a bit country (imho). I wasn't able to really sit down and put a lot of time into listening. I will give it more attention though. Overall, nice sound and very clean.
Rock version's bass guitar is too loud. Also, too much top shelf overall. Bass takes away from the vocals a lot.

The acoustic version is a lot easier to listen to. Still an aweful lot of high end. And theres some kind of EQ unbalance in there. Maybe its the piano.
Clean Electric sounds great.