
Good song volt. I liked this one a lot. It stuck in my head most of the morning. Very nice sounds, I think it's a keeper.

agree with sluice, can't understand the chrous lyric, but it totally works.....

nice vocal performances........

guitar sounds are just right for this type of song.... doesn't sound like pod.....

i like the doubled vocals, but think you could use a little more meat on them.... less of the roll-off..... but you're in the right neighborhood/direction/idea......

good drum sounds.... nice feel of depth (room effect) without being too obvious.....

the dynamic change does border on too extreme.... i would think an expander on this section would work....... or just re-mix and ride the faders.....

i don't like the fadeout...... it would be stronger with a hard ending, even hitting the next to last chord on the chorus, and letting that fade.......

good tune, very strong
Dude, I was just kidding about the hating you thing. That was supposed to be a compliment, in my own inimitable manner. :-)

Also, I tend to forget that not everyone here writes all their own lyrics, plays all their own instruments, writes all their own music and mixes everything themselves. I'm a one-man band in a spare bedroom with minimal equipment, and for some reason I just project that situation on to all of you. Sorry. I don't mean to offend. I just don't play well with others, as they told me in Kindergarten, so I'm forced to struggle with my myriad limitations.

Honestly, I'm envious of those of you in actual bands. I played in one in high school for a while, and one lately for two months, and it was a freakin' blast to jam with everyone, but the personalities always seems to clash. The lazy bassist who won't learn the parts and just noodles around, the drummer who thinks he's God's gift but couldn't keep a beat with a metronome embedded in his skull, and the rhythm guitarist who's so shy and self-effacing that he's virtually afraid to pick a note.

That's who I played with. It became easier to just do all the shit myself.


Piltdown Man
PiltdownMan said:

The lazy bassist who won't learn the parts and just noodles around, the drummer who thinks he's God's gift but couldn't keep a beat with a metronome embedded in his skull, and the rhythm guitarist who's so shy and self-effacing that he's virtually afraid to pick a note.

I busted my ass amongst three different cities for 8 years to find a band who wanted to make a living and give the fans what they wanted. A band who would work hard, and work as hard as me. I'm a fucking sucker. I'm glad we are both on this board and not in a band together ... ain't that fucking wierd !