S.P. B-1 - foam condom??


New member
My new B-1 arrived with a big foam cover - this doesn't really work as a pop filter, does it? Does it at least protect the diaphragm from moisture or dust? Or should I just leave it in the box? Gee, all this talk about foam, diaphragms and condoms...
It will protect your microphone in a limited way from dust and act as a moderately good pop filter. Best thing though is to get the real thing and to put the mic away when not in use.
Best for outdoors...

Others can say what the effect would be in the studio, but if you were recording outside, the windscreen would be a must.
Yeah, I assumed I might need it to record some bluegrass at a pickin' party or something along those lines, but don't think I'll use it indoors. In fact, SP specifically recommends a NYLON pop filter, so I guess I'll get a coat hanger and rip off one of the wife's stockings, to start...
HepMeSumbody said:
Yeah, I assumed I might need it to record some bluegrass at a pickin' party or something along those lines, but don't think I'll use it indoors. In fact, SP specifically recommends a NYLON pop filter, so I guess I'll get a coat hanger and rip off one of the wife's stockings, to start...

I have no idea if the folks at PMI like the way their B1 mics sound with that big black thing on it... but, I sure don't. You may want to try using that big black foam windscreen on your B1 and listen to how it kills the highs and makes the B1 sound like mud before you ever use it with a client.

My first SP mic was going to be a C1, but I got the V67g and from what ive read the difference is not vast enough to get a C1. So I will get a C3 or T3 instead.

I have never read too much on the B1, but for 79 bucks,, what the hell.

DJL, How does the B1 square up with the V67g in regards to vox in general. Meaning Male, Female. I may mic some cabinets ( guitar ) from time to time but I mainly use SM57s for that?

Right now I am purchasing Mics for different flavors.


malcolm123 said:
DJL, How does the B1 square up with the V67g in regards to vox in general.

IMO, the V67G is closer to the C1 than the B1.... the V67G is clearer and smoother sounding than the B1 and not as bright or hasrh as the C1.

If you tell me all the mics you own now, I and others here may be able to help you with some suggestions for different flavors.
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DJL said:
If you tell me all the mics you own now, I and others here may be able to help you with some suggestions for different flavors.

SM57- 6 or so
ADK51 - 1
Sure BG 5.1- ( I think. ) Long Black with a battery inside if no phantom is availible
MXL V67g- 1
Sennizer (sp) 1 Looks like a sm57

I only use the console micpres in my studio. (Tascam TMD4000)


I have found 1 use for the windscreen. When I mic an upright bass I put the mic in the hole in the bridge and lean the mic against the bass body. The windscreen protects the bass from getting scratched and I get a killer sound from the bass. If it matters to anyone I also wrap a sock around the body of the mic when I stick it in the bridge. I learned this trick from a studio where I recorded a jazz CD. (I'm a drummer)The guy did this with a Neuman on the bass. Sad thing is the project never got finished.
I do have 1 song around using the B1 on the bass if you want to hear it. Let me know and I'll post it in the mp3 clinic.

Ok, here's two budget mics that would give your mic locker some different flavor... the Oktava MK319 is darker than your MXLV67G and the Marshall MXL603S is a nice bright SDC mic.
I have a couple of berry B1s that come with the same foam wind shield, when I use them to mic guitars at live gigs I use the shield to give some protection against slight knocks etc.

I also record sound FX for local theatre groups etc. and find that they are great to use outdoors to cut down on wind noise etc. I usually stick one on my NT1000 for this.
zbert said:
I have found 1 use for the windscreen. When I mic an upright bass I put the mic in the hole in the bridge and lean the mic against the bass body. The windscreen protects the bass from getting scratched and I get a killer sound from the bass. If it matters to anyone I also wrap a sock around the body of the mic when I stick it in the bridge. I learned this trick from a studio where I recorded a jazz CD. (I'm a drummer)The guy did this with a Neuman on the bass. Sad thing is the project never got finished.
I do have 1 song around using the B1 on the bass if you want to hear it. Let me know and I'll post it in the mp3 clinic.

That's interesting, I'll have to try that... thanks for the tip.