Rumors Kill


New member
Song done entirely by my 13 year old, whilst I slept. She did pretty good. Needs to re-sing, and I hate her ending, lol. But it's all her, and I am a proud parent. She learned the software, wrote the song recorded it and played it for me within a 4 hour span of time. She is the bomb. But, it needs some work, yet, y'all can help me with that...she had fun with my keyboard. LOL.

Thanks all!

Last song, called Rumors Kill
(I tried to move it up to the top, but my reverbnation player wouldn't let me do it for some dumbass reason)

There you go. Still, last song on player...called Rumors Kill.

Hope you can get to it there. Bear in mind, she's ONLY 13, but any criticism is welcome, and she won't be bothered by it. She has another on my player, that I sang with her, called Goodnight - Hayli.

So, hopefully that will work for you instead.
Thanks again, folks!
She has more feeling and more writing talent then most people twice her age. It takes a ;)lot to write like that. Very amazing job. 1 Question, is she using some kind of auto tune? ;););)
She has more feeling and more writing talent then most people twice her age. It takes a ;)lot to write like that. Very amazing job. 1 Question, is she using some kind of auto tune? ;););)

Haha, she DOES sound autotuned, doesn't she? That's just her natural voice. She really doesn't sound anything like me, but she has a distinctive voice, and it does sound auto-tuney, lol. But, she'll probably grow out of that...I hope, lol. Neither one of us would be able to figure out how to use autotune. I don't even own one of those types of plug-ins.

But, you nailed that.
Thanks for the compliments on her song, I'll pass them along.
Also, if you hear any of MY tunes, I can sing better than her, but damnit, she writes BETTER SONGS than I do. Mine are stuck in some loungey atmosphere, but she can actually write cool songs, in 4/4. I have the damndest time writing in 4/4, I almost always write in 3/4 or 6/8. Weird. So, since most popular songs are in 4/4, she's got a leg up on me. And the thing that really gets me, is that this girl has never had one music lesson except for choir and her flute. That's it. She's been playing the piano for about a year or so, and plays very melodically. I just play chords mainly lol.

Okay, rant over!
Its ain't bad. Sound wise its pretty crystal clear...

She still sounds a little hesitant is some spots. i.e. from about 1:30 to around 2:00 I'm sure if she would just let go and let her voice do what she hears in hear head doing, it would dramitcally increase the performance..

I can sense she wants to let er rip.. I think she should.

Outside of that, not bad too shabby.
Song done entirely by my 13 year old, whilst I slept. She did pretty good. Needs to re-sing, and I hate her ending, lol. But it's all her, and I am a proud parent. She learned the software, wrote the song recorded it and played it for me within a 4 hour span of time. She is the bomb. But, it needs some work, yet, y'all can help me with that...she had fun with my keyboard. LOL.

Thanks all!

Last song, called Rumors Kill
(I tried to move it up to the top, but my reverbnation player wouldn't let me do it for some dumbass reason)

She has a lovely voice, great determination, and quite a bit of writing talent. Depth of emotion is hard to convey, especially at 13, but she's got it. her sense of melody is strong. Lyrical polish will come with maturity and experience. She's doing a lot more than I was at 13, I daresay.

As well as it works on this particular tune, please suggest to her that she rein in that Evanescence-style melisma thing she's doing. Develop the pure tone for now, and worry about the trickery later. Based on your level of technique, I know you can teach her this. There's a great set of pipes a-cooking there. She might very well catch you in the next 3 years if she works at it. Keep the jazz playing in the house, make sure she hears Manhattan Transfer, and Nancy Kelly, and Ella, and Sarah Vaughan...

As for you being unable to write in 4, I submit to you that 4 bars of 3/4 is really one bar of 4/4, only slowly, with triplet feel. ;) Downer of a Day is lovely.
She has a lovely voice, great determination, and quite a bit of writing talent. Depth of emotion is hard to convey, especially at 13, but she's got it. her sense of melody is strong. Lyrical polish will come with maturity and experience. She's doing a lot more than I was at 13, I daresay.

As well as it works on this particular tune, please suggest to her that she rein in that Evanescence-style melisma thing she's doing. Develop the pure tone for now, and worry about the trickery later. Based on your level of technique, I know you can teach her this. There's a great set of pipes a-cooking there. She might very well catch you in the next 3 years if she works at it. Keep the jazz playing in the house, make sure she hears Manhattan Transfer, and Nancy Kelly, and Ella, and Sarah Vaughan...

As for you being unable to write in 4, I submit to you that 4 bars of 3/4 is really one bar of 4/4, only slowly, with triplet feel. ;) Downer of a Day is lovely.

She'll NEVER catch me, lol! JK. She already is a better songwriter than me, in my opinion, but I do like what I do too, and thank you for the compliment on Downer of a Day.

Yes, I DO want to work with her as far as vocal technique, and she does love Evanescence, so that is definitely an influence of hers. She has another on my player if you're interested, called Goodnight - Hayli. It's pretty, and entirely different than this I'm a proud mama. What takes me weeks to do, takes her a few hours. I think I'm jealous. But the cool thing is we sound good together, so maybe I can ride her wave for awhile and just sing with the kid, lol.

Thanks guys!
She'll NEVER catch me, lol! JK. She already is a better songwriter than me, in my opinion, but I do like what I do too, and thank you for the compliment on Downer of a Day.

Yes, I DO want to work with her as far as vocal technique, and she does love Evanescence, so that is definitely an influence of hers. She has another on my player if you're interested, called Goodnight - Hayli. It's pretty, and entirely different than this I'm a proud mama. What takes me weeks to do, takes her a few hours. I think I'm jealous. But the cool thing is we sound good together, so maybe I can ride her wave for awhile and just sing with the kid, lol.

Thanks guys!

She's lucky to have a mama to share it with, one who has skills to give... Most parents totally don't get/don't encourage their kids' musical outlets. Keep nudging her along. Have her post here. Get her her own Reverbnation account. (Screw MySpace, their thing mashes you through a horrible 96kb encoder)
Also, if you hear any of MY tunes, I can sing better than her, but damnit, she writes BETTER SONGS than I do. Mine are stuck in some loungey atmosphere, but she can actually write cool songs, in 4/4. I have the damndest time writing in 4/4, I almost always write in 3/4 or 6/8. Weird. So, since most popular songs are in 4/4, she's got a leg up on me. And the thing that really gets me, is that this girl has never had one music lesson except for choir and her flute. That's it. She's been playing the piano for about a year or so, and plays very melodically. I just play chords mainly lol.

Okay, rant over!

Ya, but your very talented too. Have you taken a listen to my tunes? you can find them in the Post your analog recordings here, thread. The one you might like is ( Your My) One And Only MP3 PM me if you get a chance to take a listen.
She's 13???????:eek:
What an amazing voice!
Don't ever let her stop!

Joey :):):):)

Don't worry, she doesn't WANT to stop. You do realize she wrote and recorded this entire thing? I just did a little mixing. That's it, and I'm still not finished with it, imo.

I've got a re-mix up, version 2-2 at any of the websites listed in my signature. Except the YouTube if I put that there. LOL.

Let me know what you think of what I did...lor if you can even

Let me re-iterate, she's only 13!!!!