Ruby Tubes 12AX7? MPA Gold


New member
I knew I had a set of Ruby 12AX7 preamp tubes somewhere and I found them today!

I'm wondering 2 things what brand are the stock MPA Gold tubes?

And would it be a good idea trying out the Ruby's on the MPA?

Thanks guys,
The stock tubes are cheapo chinese 12ax7's, but I don't know about Ruby's. Seems to me they were the same thing, just branded Ruby. NOS Mullard, Telefunken, JAN GE or new JJ's are the tubes to try in the MPA Gold.
Yea the Rubys are definitely Chinese it says on the tube. I read somewhere that although Chinese, they are selected vs. the mass produced ones.

on the tube it has 7025 / 12AX7A C and it says "Selected" at the bottom.

Oh ok, well I guess it couldnt hurt to try them out and a/b vs the stock ones. After all I already have them....

Keep you all posted.
