Royalty-free samples / loops ?


New member

I am wondering what this actually means? I am looking in to getting some sample-packs with SFX's like risers, swells, uplifters etc., but i am wondering about if they are royalty-free if u buy them or if you have to clearify with the producers of the sample-packs everytime u use their SFX's in your productions? I just noticed the word "royalty-free loops" somewhere and i started to wonder, is it complicated to use SFX samples from packages like this Vengeance etc.?
IANaLB... if somebody sells you samples or loops, there should be some kind of licensing agreement with them that specifies what you're getting and how you can (or can't use them)

If it just says "royalty-free," I'd assume that you're free and clear to use them (but you might need to be aware of whether or not THEY owned the copyright on all the sounds.)

Of course, my usual interpretation of these things is that so long as you significantly change the audio that you started with and so long as some sample isn't a core component of your song (i.e. your "hook" should be something original and not someone's sample), fair use says that you're fine.
Thank you!

What about sounds that you use from virtual instruments (synths, piano, strings etc.)? Are they also royalty-free ?
I own and use Synplant for instance, do they get a cut of my music cuz i used their synth in my track?