Routing Questions? Mackie 1402 to Computer.


New member
I just bought a Mackie 1402, and I'm wondering how I hook everything up to my Aardvark Direct Pro LX6. When I tried to connect the Main Outs from the board into inputs 1 & 2 on the Aardvark, I got a ton of feedback. Right now I have the outputs from the LX6 running into Channel 13-14 of the mixer. Does this sound correct? I'm really new at this, and the 1402 Manuel doesn't say anything about connecting to a computer. Please help. Thanks
You can't do it that way (you found the ring around). If you want to record one or two tracks at a time, use channels one and two with microphones and use the channel inserts for these two channels as direct outputs to the input of the card. Then you can return the output of the card to the channels you have it in now with no worry of feedback. The mains output of the mixer feeds your monitoring system.
rat is right...another thing you can do is..if you wanna patch in, let's say, a compressor into your insert point you can still send the signal to your card from your aux sends, and still have your main outs for monitor sends.....:rolleyes: .I think...:D
good luck...