Routing my gear


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I have Aardvark Q10 and FEEDBACK DESTROYER PRO DSP1124P


This is the way to connect to the feedback destroyer. But on my Aardvark Q10 I don’t have “AuxSend” option. I only have “Monitor” option. Is the same thing? Can i use it instead of the “AuxSend”.



In other words, does the “Monitor Mix” would work just as an “Aux Send” in this case. Do you know if “Monitor Mix”= “Aux Send”? if the "AuxSend" is Different from the "Monitor" then what's the difference?


I have to ask first, why on earth are you using a feedback control device for a recording rig??????
I have a small room where I play my music and I always suffer from feedback, that's why I need to use the feedback destroyer
I do use headphones when I recording. But sometimes I just wanna play and listen to my performance with effects and loud volume. That's why I need to use the feedback destroyer.

Please let's concentrate on the main issue here which is: Connecting the Q10 to the feeback destroyer
Sometimes I record and listen at the same time(not good recording habit)

so i need to keep the pre's on.

I just wanna know if I can connect the Q10 to the feedback destroyer through the "monitor mix" instead of "Aux Send" ?
Put your "Feedback Destroyer" in line between the main stereo output of the 1010 and the input to your monitor amp. I've been doing this a LONG time and I can't imagine the scenario where I'd need such a toy. Oh well.