Room Size and Vocals...


New member
I'm just curious if any one has any advice for a better (Warmer, fuller) sounding recording in my current recording environment..

I'm working in a large room thats' about
H - 18'
W- 15'
L - 12'
I use a shure sm57 to record with because of lack of funds...

There are some couches, tables and other pieces of furniture and of course the walls are covered in standard issue drywall. It is pretty much a games room located above a garage. It also open to a hall way and stair case..

any tips are appreciated!

Yo Charon:

Get a decent reverb box and let it "create" the room. I've never had much of a problem recording in my studio which has no special bunting 0r sound stuff on the walls. But the reverb processor, that's what will really help you get the vocal sound you want.

Green Hornet:D :D :cool:
Sing through an amp and mic it. You could also build dampening barricades around the amp if it's still too thin.
Find the spot in the room that sounds best and set up there. You should have no problem out of that room, and I dont suggest deadening anything if you;re using it as a vocal room only. Maybe drums and other stuff, but for vocals, if you dont like the room, just get a tighter mic. If the room sounds good, get a figure 8. Experiment. The room shouldnt be too much problem on vocals, if its a decent size, and those are very hgh ceilings. Good room to mix in.