Roller Saddles


New member
I've been having problems with my first string breaking on the saddle of my new electric. It is an Ibanez with a tune-o-matic style bridge, the saddles are the typical standard ones with the V cut into them. I filed it down a bit and then switched the saddles between my 1st and 6th string, and had the same problem (albeit on a much older string this time) happen again.

Now, I am new to electrics, and was doing some searching to replace my saddles when I came across roller saddles. I am now thinking that this would be a good idea to get a set and switch out my saddles. I can't see any drawbacks to using them, but I also haven't yet, and wondered if anyone might have some input as to switching to roller saddles.

This is where I happened to see them first: ebay listing

I don't see much point to roller saddles unless you have some sort of tremelo bridge that requires the strings to slide back and forth over the saddles.
I appreciate the input - do the strings slide around more on a roller saddle since due to their shape?

My initial draw to them was, and is, that they lack sharp anythings that might contribute to the string breakage I have been experiencing. I have made some changes in an attempt to solve this - the saddle switch (which didn't work as well as I had hoped) and I was using 9s that I switched up to 10s, so that ought to help as well.
Roller Saddles = tone robbers.

GraphTech Saddles are the way to go, if you can get them.


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M.K. Gandhi