Roland Xp-60 Problem With Midi!!!!!

psyclones prod.

New member
I have my roland xp-60 keyboard hooked up to my mpc2000xl through midi. I recorded a few midi tracks from the keyboard to the mpc sequencer. Whenever I try to play back a loaded sequence, the midi tracks are all screwed up!! The tones are all deep and distorted. I have the midi settings on the keyboard just as I did when the midi tracks were first recorded. Why is this happening? How I can I fix it? Please hit me back with some info.thanx
Where's my reply? Dahh well...

I forgot what originally posted but here's what I was saying... I can't realy call this one. Sounds like maybe it a MIDI loop type thing... Ya know like 60 played to MPC played to 60 through to MPC and so on... This gives you like fifty notes being recorded at one time... Maybe that? Try playing some notes using the MPC pads if they play back right then this may be the case. Not really very familar with the 60 but i'm sure there is a way to cure this.

I remember a cat on another board who used a MPC and XP60 who should be able to help you. If you still can't figure it out I could try and catch up with him...

I had something else but can't remeber it now. Damn... If it comes to me i'll post up. Peace...

I got the xp-60 and the mpc hooked up both ways through midi. I'll try just one cable. I haven't recorded only one midi track. It's always been more than one. Thanx peeps!! I'll try out your suggestions and try to figure out this problem. I'll let you guys know if I solve this. Thanx again.
I have them both and what works for me is to use the mpc as the master . disable the local playback on the 60 and use it to save your program banks and effects settings. save all of your sequences on the mpc and save a separate disk for the 60 settings so if all else fails you got back up for the both of them.
works for me