Roland VS840/Boss DR 550 midi question


New member
First of all, I know NOTHING about midi. Here's what I want to acheive:

I've got a very simple drum track all programmed into the Boss, which I plan to use as a scratch track while recording other stuff on the Roland. I would then like to be able to go back and rework the drum track on the Boss, fill it in and fill it out. This will be a trial and error thing, so here's my question:

Can I use the midi connections to sync the Boss to the Roland so that when I re-track the drums (probably several times) I won't run into any issues with the timing? I just want the Roland to tell the Boss exactly when to start playing, and that's pretty much it. I've looked at the manuals for both units, and all the Midi tech jargon sounds like Greek to me... :(

So can this be done, or am I just a moron?

Thanks for the help...
It shouldn't be a problem. You just set the drum machine to external sync and make sure they are both on the same midi channel.