Roland vs2480cd update


New member
Hi all, I am new to the forum. I recently acquired a totally unused roland vs2480cd, which was exciting until I realised I needed to update the os from 2.009 to 2.5. I believe this needs to be done with a cd, but I cant work out how to get the software onto a cd. Roland wont help as it is too old. Can anyone help me with this please?
Looking at the update version 2.505, there seems to be a procedure for updating via a sequencer connected to the 2480's MIDI IN port. I wouldn't know how to proceed with this - just throwing it out there for you.


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Yeah, because this is such an old OS, it wont respond to pressing status 2/3 and ch edit 5 on start up which normally should create the update prompt screen, so needs to be done with cd. I have downloaded the updates, but cant work out how to get them onto cd as it is data rather than audio. I am using a mac book with cd burner. Here is the roland link about updating using cd.
Yeah, I see Roland pulled all their support apps for this - not nice :cursing:

I found this burner - at first glance it appears to be WIndows-only, but scroll to the bottom and there is a Mac download available.

Here's the Mac .zip from that download :


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Thank your your help with this. I have tried burning with software, but the vs isn't seeing it. Apparently I need to burn in ISO 9660 format, which doesnt seem to be supported by Express burn. The read me file says you need to use disc blaze. I found the latest edition, but my mac says it needs an update to run on modern OS and to contact the developer. So I am still drawing blanks with that. Weirdly though, the vs now responds to booting up with the 3 keys pressed to prompt midi update, so that might be a way forward now, but I dont have a sequencer.
This is frustrating. I wonder if an "authorized repair facility" would take care of this for you. Last resort, I suppose.
Yeah it seems strange that I cant find anything that will burn in ISO 9660. From what I have read, it used to be very common, so thee must still be a demand