Roland VR-760 ?


New member
Can any VR owners tell me where I can find a copy of the manual on-line.

The biggest question I have is, if you can change the pitch and/or transpose
keys. I read a post somewhere that said you couldn't do this at all on the VR.
I find that hard to beleive you can't do this on any modern keyboard today.

Any other good,bad or ugly things about the Vr-760 you'd like to comment on
would also be appreciated.

I don't know anything about the VR760 really so I can't answer your question directly. Personally, I've boycotted Roland products because I've never bought one that isn't missing some obvious feature that would have been simple to implement but was inexplicably left off. That reason and their inability to produce anything approximating a usable manual for any product in their history! I wouldn't be surprised at all if it turns out that it can't do what you want.

I'm searching for you, but Roland doesn't make it easy to find their manuals online.

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I searched Roland's site and notta. Also thought I'd search google for kicks - nothing came up there either. Maybe you should look on eBay - maybe someone is selling a manual. Those type of auctions come up here and there.

I agree with you Ted, Roland does seem to fall just short on their products.
warble said:
I agree with you Ted, Roland does seem to fall just short on their products.

It drives me CRAZY! And I've owned a lot of products from them over the years. Starting with a Juno 60 and its useless optional 4 track sequencer, the JSQ60, I think it was. 4 tracks? Technically, yes (and this is the kind of thing that they do all the time), but they weren't independent tracks. Each one was layered on top of the previous one. So, if you recorded three tracks perfectly, but made a mistake on the fourth one beat from the end, too bad! Start all over again from the beginning. Useless!

I had a TB303 which was a joke, more of a toy really. Luckily I kept it for a long time and was able to sell it for a mint a few years ago when, for some reason, hip-hop "artists" decided it sounded cool! So, I have to thank them for that at least! lol

MT32, ugh! I bought it because supposedly the sounds were "editable". Well, no, they're not. JV1010, multitimbral? Sure, of course no one seems to know how to make it work. Oh, it was supposed to have editable sounds as well, only you can't do it from the synth and the software it came with never worked. Admittedly, I've never purchased a flagship synth from them. Mostly because I've been so disappointed by everything else. I've come close. Maybe I'll break if I find something for next to nothing and I can't pass it up.

I finally got through to Roland Support, and my question about pitch/key transpose has been answered. Yes it can be done.
Thanks for your replies.