Roland VM-7000 series to the next level?


New member
Since some months now i am thinking about upgrading my studio and add more digital equipment. I recently (5 months) started working with audio recording and I feel this (small) step has taken me to a higher level as far as my productions are concerned.

Since I recently signed a contract with Universal Music they expect more of my productions (concerning sound quality) and want me to deliver my productions compressed and mastered. Currently I don't compress and master at all....

(This is also something I like to learn more about, but I will discuss this in another topic)

To be able to recall all settings and master and compress the entire mix, I feel that a digital desk is the solution for the short term. I read a lot about digital desks and find that the Roland VM7000 sounds like the best solution (also because you can assemble the desk).

Is there anyone that works with the Roland VM7000 series or knows someone who does? What is your experience? Is it easy to get going with? Is it a big step to go from analog (Spirit 24/8) to digital, etc?

