Roland GR-20 guitar synth


New member
Just wondered if we have an Roland GR-20 users or maybe one of their
other roland synth users.

I would like to know how well these work. I've seen a few demo's online
but some folks mention tracking problems and others say it tracks fine.
I know the GK3 has to be installed and adjusted properly.
I used to use a GR-50 on stage with a GK-2. That was three revisions ago as far as the pickup goes. I'm sure the tracking issues have been all but completely eliminated. I'm sure Yingwie could induce some midi glitches if he wanted. The tracking has almost always come down to string heighth, and picking technique. Great tracking does require more precise technique.
I use a GR-33 live on a regular basis. Works great with my Roland ready Strat. Is it but it allows me to get sounds that neither a keyboard player or a guitar player (sans Roland) could get.

Layered strings/vox with a clean guitar sound is incredible...especially if you run a stereo rig.
I borrowed a GR20 and guitar set up with GK2A for a couple of months. Overall I found it good but did have to adjust the string sensitivities and my technique.
There are different sensitivity settings for picking or strumming etc and you may need to adjust settings to get the best out of the different instrument sounds. The tracking was good but it depends on the attack characteristics of the sound ~ e.g. a slow string pad is quite different to a saxophone or piano in its dynamics and therefore the way you play it.
I found I had to be most precise in my technique playing piano chords or would accidentally cause unwanted notes to trigger from string squeaks and harmonic overtones. You get used to it after a few hours of playing. And you have to phrase/voice in the manner of the instrument you are using to get the best realism e.g. some guitar chord voicings dont quite sound like a piano because a pianist would use a different voice than guitar etc.
I used it for a recording project but have not used one live.
It's a great creative tool.
If you already have some MIDI sound modules or keyboards that you want to use then you could get a GI20 interface and a GK3 but the GR20 is probably going to be cheaper and of course includes its own sounds.
The GK3 is definitely abetter pickup than the GK2A and I believe it comes with the GR20.
I couldnt afford to buy one at the time and at the moment all the material I'm working on is guitar based otherwise I'd try to scrape up a few dollars and get one for the home studio.
Go to your local dealer ask them to let you play one
Thanks for the info guys, I have one on the way now.

I wonder if there is a particular body type that it would track cleaner
on. I have a large assortment of guitars I could put it on, I was leaning
towards putting it on a LP studio. I plan on eventually going with
a Carvin NSI but that will be a bit longer unless my wife raises my

Thanks for the input guys.
Got the GR last night and after several interruptions managed to get it
mounted to the LP. It is gonna take some getting use to and probably a little
more adjusting. I may have a string or 2 closer than the 1mm they recommend.
I didn't get around to reading the manual till I got to work today looks like adjusting sensitivity will make things a little bearable.
As it is with out any adjustments you really have to hammer it to get it to work.
I just used the pickup mount that hooks up to the bridge post.