Roland Fantom X6 Basic hookup to DAW


New member
Alrighhhtt. Any help would be amazing guys/gals. So i have a Roland Fantom x6 with KRK speakers i just purchased. I have no clue how to hook up MIDI to Logic Pro on my mac (with most recent OS). My end goal is to be able to switch the sounds on my keyboard hit record on logic and then be able to create another track switch the sound on my keyboard again, record on logic and the sound not affect the original track i had previously recorded. I currently have MIDI in and out connected to both my keyboard and Scarlett and my scarlett connected to my computer. Logic is up and when i record anything as soon as I change the sound on my keyboard all recordings change to that sound. This is my first couple days in the MIDI world so assume I know nothing, because i know nothing here.
Are you switched to USB midi (not USB storage) in the Fantom X menu? Use the midi over USB if the Fantom driver is recognized by the DAW.

Fantom X can send midi information and sound information same time over USB.
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r. Logic is up and when i record anything as soon as I change the sound on my keyboard all recordings change to that sound
Record as midi information and sound. sounds like it is only capturing the midi notes played. No sound information.
You are recording a MIDI track, then playing that back to the Fantom with the Fantom creating the sound, right? So of course the sound will change when you change the Fantom's settings. You need to record the AUDIO from the Fantom.
Are you switched to USB midi (not USB storage) in the Fantom X menu? Use the midi over USB if the Fantom driver is recognized by the DAW.

Fantom X can send midi information and sound information same time over USB.
I have MIDI in and out do I need a cable for audio out of the piano into the interface as well? I know there is the direct USB to computer option unfortunately they discontinued the driver updates for current OS on the mac so I had to purchase the Scarless 2i4
You are recording a MIDI track, then playing that back to the Fantom with the Fantom creating the sound, right? So of course the sound will change when you change the Fantom's settings. You need to record the AUDIO from the Fantom
Ahhhh okay MIDI does not equal Audio hahahaha thats a valuable piece of info
I know there is the direct USB to computer option unfortunately they discontinued the driver updates for current OS on the mac so I had to purchase the Scarless 2i4
Hmm I know nothing about Mac. Win10 you change a command line in the driver, and disable driver signatures and the old win7 drivers work.

If there are no drivers working, double check at Roland Customer support. Somebody somewhere made a Mac driver for it, the Roland forum had the links.

It is also possible to connect it with 1/4" TRS cables to an interface with two or more channels. To get midi make sure the interface you get has midi in's. You will need to connect the midi also.
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