Rode NTK/OKtava 012's -> DMP3 -> 424mkIII - balanced or un btwn DMP's and MKIII?


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Rode NTK/OKtava 012's -> DMP3 -> 424mkIII - balanced or un btwn DMP's and MKIII?

Like the subject tries to say :), I am using a Rode NTK for vox, and a pair of Oktavas for acoustic guitar, and running them into DMP-3's, and then into a Tascam 424 MKIII. From there, I have the choice to go into the MKIII 1/4 " to XLR (balanced) or 1/4" to 1/4" (unbalanced).

I'm planning on going in unbalanced but would welcome any advice here about why one might be better than the other.
