Rode NT2000 for half price! (~300 bucks!)


Soundcard Junkie Japan! I wonder how the new Rode models are coming out there so cheap. The NT2000 is selling for the same price as the old NT2... and the K2 is less than 500! Studio Projects, the M-Audio mics, Shure, Senn...all run for more over there than over here, but those new Rodes are insanely cheap! Oh, and the NT5 pair will set you back less than 250...

And it's not just one dealer, either... Would you rather get a Rode K2 or a slightly more expensive MXL V77? Or an equivalently priced Audix SCX25? Or a more than double-cost Studio Projects T3?

I thought this might be interesting to some of you...
Typically not. Like you said, your best bet is to know someone there.

I know there are proxy services out there that deal specifically with Japanese store goods to other countries... never used one though. I hear they can charge up the ass...

I'm not really interested in getting it, so much as wondering why Rodes are so cheap. If I understand properly, the NT2000 and the K2 are totally made in Australia in the new chinese diaphragms or what not. I see the Chinese manufactured mics in these store listings and they can be as around 50% or more higher street price. Sometimes more than 100% higher.) A V67g for 200 bucks...) The AKGs and Neumanns are similarly price compared to here...maybe a few percent more. The Japanese-made Audio Technicas are about 10-20% more, and similar with Shures. Oktavas are insane. Are Mk 319 for really worth almost 400 street over there? (Stringent QC?) I'm seeing Sonys around 500... (admittedly, I'm week in the Sony catalogue knowledge, but as an example, I'm seeing a C-38b for 500 bucks that I've seen go used for 1500 on a newsgroup...)

I guess no one can provide any insight on why these prices are as they are? Besides the RODEs, I wonder why Seide (think Nady Japanese), Behringer, and Marshall are marked up so much...