Rode does it compare with the big $ toobs.


New member
Anyone had a chance to compare a K2 with a U47, or other classic toobies? If so, how did it go...I read some reviews that were favorable...but anyone with an unbiased opinion here? I bought one on sale and am pleased with it's sound....just wondering if the review was flavored in any way.
Soundmind?? said:
The K2 is a tube mic...which will be noisier, the NT 1000 is solid state, as is the NT 2000 which I have and like. Actually, I think it is a relatively quiet tube mic by the published specs.

Would you recommend the NT1000 for singing vocals?
The NT 2000 works well, haven't tried the 1000 but Rode seems to have a good reputation for quality. It depends on the type of voice the singer has and while a good mic will work ok on most voices, some will work better than others on a specific voice in a specific situation. Read through the posts by Harvey Gerst and you will learn soooo much!
Thanks Harvey, It sounds warm and rich to me, and very sensitive. I don't have any way to compare it. I've wanted a good tube mic (within my budget) and this seems to be the best route for now. I based my decision on some reviews and what I've heard about Rode. The 20% off deal at GC helped. I'm trying to build a reasonably good mic collection to capture a variety of instruments and voices. Any suggestions on its best use? I'm really learning a lot from you and others, and appreciate your help.
I had a good roster of most of the Rode mics. I started with a NT1-A, NT1000 and NT2000. I kept the NT1-A, switched out the NT1000 for a NT2-A and then switched out the NT2000 for a K2. The K2 is one superb piece of mic. Aside from the fact it is, I believe the quietest of all of the tube mics on the market, it renders a fine rich output with all but a poor mic preamp. It is very sensitive indeed with limitless potential in adjustment of polar patterns. I feel it has all the attributes of a top flight microphone. Tight bottom, open mids and airy upper register without harshness. I don't compare it to other mics as in saying it's better or has it's own character which is a good thing. It will never offend and it tends to tell the truth rather than color as much as some of the high end German models. Just my 2 cents.
roadwarrior said:
I had a good roster of most of the Rode mics. I started with a NT1-A, NT1000 and NT2000. I kept the NT1-A, switched out the NT1000 for a NT2-A and then switched out the NT2000 for a K2. The K2 is one superb piece of mic. Aside from the fact it is, I believe the quietest of all of the tube mics on the market, it renders a fine rich output with all but a poor mic preamp. It is very sensitive indeed with limitless potential in adjustment of polar patterns. I feel it has all the attributes of a top flight microphone. Tight bottom, open mids and airy upper register without harshness. I don't compare it to other mics as in saying it's better or has it's own character which is a good thing. It will never offend and it tends to tell the truth rather than color as much as some of the high end German models. Just my 2 cents.

Why did you switch out the NT1000 for the NT2A?
I felt that the NT2-A had a better upper mid and high end, as well as offering the muti pattern and frequency rolloff switching. Overall it was a great move. I also love what my K2 brings to the table. A unique character but still very clean and honest. What more could I want.........
Ironklad Audio said:
good luck buddy

you're more lucky to find unfounded opinions than unbiased ones
As I said, Terry Manning thinks very highly of the K2, and I tend to trust his judgement on this one. Terry knows his stuff, and he doesn't give "unfounded opinions". And he does have a few credentials to back up his opinions. I intend to try one here soon, based on Terry's praise for this mic.
I spent some time at a Sam Ash store in Chicago 3 weeks ago and A/B'd the K2 with the NTK. :eek:
Both are great mics IMHO.
The K2 had more depth and was more open and airy where the NTK was buttery warm and smooth (and my personal favorite of the 2 for my own voice).
homestudioguy said:
I spent some time at a Sam Ash store in Chicago 3 weeks ago and A/B'd the K2 with the NTK. :eek:
Both are great mics IMHO.
The K2 had more depth and was more open and airy where the NTK was buttery warm and smooth (and my personal favorite of the 2 for my own voice).

...I'm sure many have heard me say this before, but both the NTK and K2 benefit from tube upgrades, as the stock Sovtek 6922 tubes impart a rather "edgy" quality...if you like them with the stock tubes, you will probably appreciate the subtle improvements a good quality NOS vintage 6922/6DJ8/E88CC/CCa will add... ;)
kidvybes said:
...I'm sure many have heard me say this before, but both the NTK and K2 benefit from tube upgrades, as the stock Sovtek 6922 tubes impart a rather "edgy" quality...if you like them with the stock tubes, you will probably appreciate the subtle improvements a good quality NOS vintage 6922/6DJ8/E88CC/CCa will add... ;)
Thanks for the reminder.
I didnt buy either. Am saving for the sE Electronics Z5600A.
Both RODEs are very tempting though :)
homestudioguy said:
Thanks for the reminder.
I didnt buy either. Am saving for the sE Electronics Z5600A.
Both RODEs are very tempting though :)

...I had a Z5600A and I think you might do well to reconsider saving towards the K2 which I believe is the better of the two...more versatile due to the continuously variable pattern capability and the Rode has a better build quality, although the sE is one of the best of the Chinese built...I think the Z5600A, the K2 and the SP-T3 are 3 of the best tube mics under $1000...