Rock track - "Shade Fails"

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That's a great track. Love the harmony singing in the chorus.
The drums weren't too adventurous.
I didn't hear any keyboards. There's room for a lead synth sparing with the guitar.
I'd like to hear the whole album.
Wonderful Song ! Very nice guitar work and melody . I thought the "Beatleish" change around the 2:15 mark was very creative. Enjoyed it , congrats on a well done project. ms
Hey y'all,

Could use a few more ears on this one if you have a chance to give a listen.

Any comments welcome.
Need to fix the vocal up in the in between oart it falls off a bit - should clean up the drums - just tighten up the snare - and blance the kick in reference to the bass - guitars sound good as does the Bass - but the bass needs more sonic space - and the guitars are bit loose to my ears they are occasional behind. - great song though.
@Slouching Raymond Thanks! Interesting idea about the keys - I'll think about that! Yeah, you're right about the drums. I originally started recording this song in a cabin with a drummer friend (we hauled some gear up for a weekend recording getaway). However, the drum sounds just weren't up to snuff, so I replaced his parts with EZDrummer 3. He's not a very adventurous drummer for sure - it's pretty straight forward - but I felt it basically served its purpose of driving things along well enough.

@mark skinner Thanks for the listen and the kind words!

@Nola Thanks for the listen! Definitely sounds as though the bass may need some attention.

@Papanate Thanks for the comments! The guitars are definitely probably a little loosey goosey at points; I didn't do any editing on those. I kind of liked the vibe. I'll take a listen to the bass/kick balance and the snare as well. ?
@Nola Thanks for the listen! Definitely sounds as though the bass may need some attention.
These things are all subjective, but I'm a sucker for like flats and a deep bass sound. Even if it doesn't fit on a song like this, I still think you can raise the bass you do have by like 2db. I'd rather hear the bass than the kick. I'd rather hear the kick just behind the bass. But again, this is taste and subjective, but it stood out to me.
These things are all subjective, but I'm a sucker for like flats and a deep bass sound. Even if it doesn't fit on a song like this, I still think you can raise the bass you do have by like 2db. I'd rather hear the bass than the kick. I'd rather hear the kick just behind the bass. But again, this is taste and subjective, but it stood out to me.
How funny. You know what the level of the bass literally is right now? -2dB. I lowered it that amount last night right before printing that mix because I thought it sounded too loud compared to the reference tracks I was using. ?
How funny. You know what the level of the bass literally is right now? -2dB. I lowered it that amount last night right before printing that mix because I thought it sounded too loud compared to the reference tracks I was using. ?
That is wild. Haha.
I always enjoy your offerings.

On this track what sticks out to me, as others have said, is the bottom end (or lack of). I’d also like to hear some of the background guitar fills to come up a tiny wee bit. They’re a little too much in the background.
I always enjoy your offerings.

On this track what sticks out to me, as others have said, is the bottom end (or lack of). I’d also like to hear some of the background guitar fills to come up a tiny wee bit. They’re a little too much in the background.
Thanks! That's another vote to fix the low end. ? Good call on the guitar fills, too. I think they do need to come up a bit!
Lots going on there. Nice work, I like it. Don't have mix feedback as I'm listening on a laptop but sounds you're across the feedback of others. Good one.
I like the electric guitar sound.

And I thought the vocals sounded good too. Nice harmonies.

I didn't care for the snare sound - it was a bit slappy. Cymbal crashes get a bit too splashy.

I mostly like the light low end. I always like a light low end. But even I could go for turning up the bass by a decibel or so.

Every once in a while a strum on the acoustic guitar get's a little clicky/harsh sounding.

Cool guitar solo.
@DM60 Thanks for the listen!

@Armistice Thanks!

@TripleM Thanks for the listen and the comments. I hear what you're talking about with the acoustic. ?
I liked it. The vocals are really well produced and the backups are great. I really liked the break with the clean guitars and harmonies after the guitar solo.

I think the guitar solo should be a little louder (maybe a dB or 2)?. It was a little buried under the drums. That’s all that jumped out to me.

Thanks for sharing!
Immediate impression is a polished production. Vocals are good and the BVs really lift them out. My only thought is they could use more edge, maybe some parallel compression. Real nice jam
@Flyguitarfish Thanks much! I'll look at the guitar solo level.

@Bulls Hit Thanks for the listen. That's a good idea on the vocals; I'll give it a shot. ?