rock song critique if you will

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New member
so some friends recorded this and asked the other guitar player in my band and I to try do what we could with it. it was pretty bad, but we did what we could. we kind of did it quickly.

i'm wondering what you think of the mix levels wise and balance wise......for insance like too much low end in the bass or too much low end in vocals or something.

it starts out real soft, but it gets rockin, i promise.

here's the link:

edit/addition: the drummer for this band actually played drums on the folk song that I posted yesterday also. i don't know why i felt the need to tell anyone that.
I barely held in there.

But, I did like the lyric's at one point. "She knows she's the one...holding the gun...close to thier throats...Watches the choak..." Nicely done.

A little bassy yes. Not in the kicks in the bass. The toms get a little icky in the rolls.

I'm just startin' out mixin so I don't know how to fix it.


donkeystyle said:
I don't know why I felt the need to tell anyone that.

Yeah. Me either. J/K :p
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Turn op the vocals.
I'd say try to make it buildup to a climax more. I got bored pretty quickly, although the idea is pretty good :)
some of the backing vocals are off key in the slow part, it kills the vibe a little bit.
bearing in mind this is over pc speakers, it does seem a little heavey in the low end.
personally i'd knock a couple of minutes off the end of the heavy stuff.

other than that, I'm very impressed. much better than my own drivel.

So far listening to the beginning it sounds pretty clean. Not bad at all. I really think its a bit too dry however. Maybe a light fast on those clean guitars, not much, just give it a little more life. Then a cool on tempo delay would be really neat.

The vocals sound really good i think. I think you could do a little more on the compression to really pull out the character in it though. But it sounds really well done, minus a few little tuning things i hear.

When it comes in rocking, i think it comes in a little too loud.

Everything sound pretty good except the drums sound very compressed. Not necessarily bad but i can hear it compressing. Thats not a good thing.

Its really not bad though. Sounds like you got the tracking there.

Mind if i take a wack at the mix? Sounds like fun.

just to let everyone know, this isn't my band. the other guitar player in my band and i just mixed it. but thanks for the compliments anyway?

darnold. i'll see what I can do about getting the tracks to you.

the drums don't have any compression on them. i have a habit of setting everything at zero and then pushing the faders up when i think there needs to be more kick or whatever.......then the kick almost always ends up maxed out or nearly maxed out and I mix around that. normally that's not too big a problem because i used to mix down to an external burner, but i can't do that anymore and have to bounce down to disk. it ends up clipping. it doesn't seem audible to me, but it's there. if you look at the song in a wave editor the heavy part is almost a solid block.

oh and the drums are all gogged. i can't describe how bad they sounded. i don't know what the band did in tracking, because i've recorded their drummer and he has decent/good drum sounds, but they ruined them. I think it might have been their convertor. i dunno. anyway we gogged them and the only floor tom gog sample i have has a weird couple samples that jump out some times. i found one of them and got rid of it, but there was more and they showed up in some of the fills. i probably could have mid scooped it and gotten some of it out, but we didn't eq the drums at all.

other than the gogging, this mix took less than an hour. probably like 30 minutes.

the back up vocals are definitely off key. that bands ability to sing off key and not care boggles my mind. i started to autotune the backups, but they are so off that you can really hear the autotune working, so i didn't. oh well

thanks for the listens guys.
Intro solo vox too low. Once the harmonies come in it is better.
Nice panning of guitars with keys centered.
Cool rain stick. After it kicks in vox
sound pretty good! Nice mix. Actually nice tune! The bridge
is kinda cluttered with stuff and eq's walking on one another.
Sounds like the bridge is clipping too. I would rethink the bridge.
Once the tune gets going it is pretty cool. But something needs
done with the bridge. Of course this is just my opinion and I am no
I think this has hope!
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