Rock 'n Roll song - mix critique pls


New member

I just recording this as an recording i did a couple of weeks ago and did the mix/master just this weekend. I would like some feedback on the mix of the song. Anything you guys can think of shoot! And I also can take negative feedback, don't hold back!

The song was recorded at my school for audio-engineering in Sweden. We used an SSL Duality to record and mix with. I also used a lot of outboard analog EQ's and compressors. The master was done digitally with mostly Waves and SSL-simulated plugins.

Here is the first song

The second song is not mastered yet but I plan to master it in the coming days. So, pls, listed to the first song a couple of times and give me some opinions, shoot me down if you have to!

I really look forward to your thoughts about it! Thanks!