Rock music - how important are the lyrics?

There are tons of discs in my collection that I've listened to hundreds and hundreds of times and I still don't know the lyrics...Not because they are indeciferable but just because I really don't care what some jack ass with a guitar (like myself..he..he.) has to say about anything......except for ofcourse, Dylan and a few other exceptions that is my general rule. If I wanted good verbal jive I'd read a newspaper or a book....If I want rock music then that's what I want. I think that the majority of rock music and some of the greatest rock music has survived on sub-par lyrics. My general rule when writing my own that I don't need great lyrics....I could careless about great lyrics....what I do want is lyrics that don't totally suck...and given how words intrisically fit themselves into music it ain't that hard to come up with lyrics that don't suck....they won't be great...but not being totally laughable is the key...although, like I said, the majority of rock history has survived on laughable lyrics.
Lyrics... music.... being popular. I guess it has a heap to do with the intent or the genre. I mean "pop" is just that, quick and quirky sing along tunes that scale the charts and die soon. But peppy flowing words are a must for that. Then theres the political dissention stuff that demands strong lyrics but ends up only semi popular. Theres a huge difference from music written For musicians and music written for the population. Groups like Dream Theater or Rush that thrill the musician dont ever get a lot of whole album radio play.

Personally I think a piece of music is art. and like any other art it is interpretive. If it says what you intended..... good enough. If others gain, better still.

As far as popular goes....... did it get you paid or get you laid? I need ask no more.
It all depends. Gimme Shelter by the Stones is one of my all time fav rock songs, but I couldn't tell you what half the lyrics are. Tangled Up In Blue by Dylan has some pretty involved lyrics. I know every word, yet the meanings change every time I hear it. I like hearing Green Day's Time of Your Life or whatever its titled, but those lyrics are cryptic. When I was writing in Nashville, every word counted and clarity and craft were premiums. What was Come Together? I just liked the sound of the words, abstract as they were. Was it genius or stream of consciousness?

I do prefer intelligent, well written lyrics over meaningless rhyming anyday, but thats just what I value. Mix those with a great melody and a strong hook and chances are you have something pretty damn good.

be bob a lu la aside, I have always thought that Chuck Berry was an incredible lyricist. He painted pictures, told stories and created believeable visions in his songs. Nothin' wrong with that...