RME UCX - is it worth it?


New member
Just that - thinking of getting myself an RME UCX. Being a drummer and recording quite a lot via SOFTWARE VST's mind you, I "need" low latency.
My current is fairly low, but can't get those 64strokerolls to sit tightly enough. The question is if getting this RME-card will lower my latency significantly or just
barely noticable?

The most important thing monitoring through VST's would be the computer, and I think my XPS quad i7 of 2.93Ghz with 8Gb RAM would suffice.
Right now I'm around roundtrip ca 10-11ms. Would like to cut it down to 6-7 if possible.
I'm bumping this as I have an interest in this interface as well, having just bought one. It hasn't arrived yet however, so I can't answer your question.

If everything I read is correct, with a configured machine and a bit of grunt (I'd assume yours is fine), the UCX will give you greater potential for lower latency via USB than anything else currently available. Easily.

I'll let you know how I go once I get my unit and get it all hooked up, if you like.

If anyone else has any direct experience, please chime in.

Perhaps do some searching over at GearSlutz.... there are quite a few threads there about it. Cheers
being a UFX owner, and considering that the UCX uses similler hardware and driver, I'd say yes. the latency is lower than any interface in the same price range.
I don't currently have a UCX, but I do use the RME Babyface which I like a lot! RME makes incredible Products and I've had Latency problems which if you use ASIO reduce the buffer size in your audio interface, WDM/KS reduce the
buffer in the DAW. Good Luck!

Seeing this has been awoken from the dead, I'll report that I have no problems whatsoever with latency with my UCX, and I've changed nothing from the factory settings.

Working out how to use Total Mix? Wow.... bit more complex!
I'd recommend the UCX as well. I have a UFX too, and the thing's a beast.

I've used it to record a concert by attaching an 8 channel mixer to it via analog inputs. Worked like a charm. I imagine the UCX has similar capabilities, but on a smaller scale.

The Total Mix is a little complicated at first but once you get the hang of it it is quite useful and comprehensive.
I have had a RME UFX unit for a year now and love the stability and versatility of Total Mix software. The sound is clear and accurate and the pre amps are really good. It is ideal for drummers as you can input 12 analog channels at once, but you have to remember the 4 on the front of the unit are mic/instument not mic/line input levels, however you can input line if you set the gain low to avoid distortion. The huge leap in quality over my old unit is most noticeable in the feed to the studio floor headphones, meaning musicians hear a defined headphone sound thus less fatigue and they play better in theory.