RME Babyface routing question w/Tube Mic Pre..


New member

I'm just learning my way around the RME Babyface and Total Mix FX. I'm still in the middle of building my home studio and am about to get a Summit Mic Pre 2BA-221 for the tube and tone capabilities (for guitar, etc), or I might choose something else.

But I'm mostly interested in routing any MIDI instrument plug-in (through my digital piano) thru the RME BF into the mic-pre and back again into the computer simultaneously. It's for the purpose of the MIDI instruments picking up the tonal quality of the mic pre or other outboard gear. To start with, I figured I could record a single finished MIDI track in Cubase 7.0...Then feed its playback thru the chain and back again into Cubase with the picked up pre-amp tones.

The chain would be: MIDI instrument>Cubase>BF out>pre-amp (or any other hardware)>BF in>Cubase.

Looking at you tube, it seems like the BF can do something like this but I'm not completely sure, or if I need some sort of special cable/box. Can it be done? Thanks.
If I read you right Robin, what you want to do is "re-amp" the recorded MIDI sounds?

To do this in stereo requires a signal out of the computer to feed the preamp/babyface setup and then that to be re recorded.

The BF as it stands is a two channel only device so although you could probably do it with a bit of creative replugging, the results would only be single channel. If you have a desktop PC and a spare PCI slot the simplest solution is a soundcard such as the M-A 2496. You will not be able to run both together with ASIO drivers but low latency is not required for re-amping. If you are laptop'ed, you need another usb AI but it need not be anything special, second hand Fast track pro or a Tascam 122/144 should fit the bill.

Once again, no ASIO and the two interfaces will not be sync'ed but again this does not matter.

By two-channel, I'm wondering if you mean two analog inputs. Sweetwater says it's 22-channel but you might mean different things.

My PC motherboard (ASRock Z77 Extreme) is all PCI Express with no PCI interface slots. I don't know if the M-A 2496 will fit. Aren't there a adapters available for those things?

I was think of getting an external sound card anyway. The ones you suggested might help...
By two-channel, I'm wondering if you mean two analog inputs. Sweetwater says it's 22-channel but you might mean different things.

My PC motherboard (ASRock Z77 Extreme) is all PCI Express with no PCI interface slots. I don't know if the M-A 2496 will fit. Aren't there a adapters available for those things?

I was think of getting an external sound card anyway. The ones you suggested might help...

Twenty two channels? Ha! That's retailers for you!
They count 8 in 8 out for the ADAT, 2 in 2 out bog s analogue and 2 in 2 out S/PDIF. I suppose we should be grateful that they don't count MIDI and claim 24!

If you were considering spend a bit of dosh look at the Behringer ADA 8000 .This would give you another 8 ins and outs and should solve the connections problem for quite some time.

If you really did need another usb AI I would suggest the NI Komplete Audio 6. This could be slaved from the Babyface's S/PDIF giving you a total input track count of 4 mic/lines + 2 line inputs. At least I cannot see any reason why that should not work? But ADAT is the most elegant solution and pretty foolproof.
