Ripping CDs with Windows Media Player?


New member
I've been using Windows Media Player to rip my original songs from a CD into a computer that is on-line, in order to upload them to my website. It's weird, because Media Player automatically puts the wrong track information on each song. Like one song insists on saying that the Author is Jay-Z. I edit everything pertaining to the song (Track Title, Author, Album Title, etc.), yet when you click the link on my website, it still shows Jay-Z as the author, but everything else is correct. Anyone ever have this problem? How do I fix all this?
Ever thought of changing your name to Jay-Z?
But seriously, I've never ran into that problem when ripping CD's.
Inspired said:
I've been using Windows Media Player to rip my original songs from a CD into a computer that is on-line, in order to upload them to my website. It's weird, because Media Player automatically puts the wrong track information on each song. Like one song insists on saying that the Author is Jay-Z. I edit everything pertaining to the song (Track Title, Author, Album Title, etc.), yet when you click the link on my website, it still shows Jay-Z as the author, but everything else is correct. Anyone ever have this problem? How do I fix all this?

Open the song in WinAmp then do the following:

In the Play List Windows, right click the song and select "View File Info"

You should be able to properly edit the ID3V1 & ID3V2 tags to say what you want. Oh yeah - Make sure the file is NOT read only before doing this.

- Tanlith -