revised layout....treatment?


New member
Hi again. I have rearranged my room so now it's like this:


and here's the old one as I havent labelled the revised one:


What would you guys recommend for treating a room like this?
I'm gonna order some rockwool slabs but where shoud I put em? I have no idea!! At the moment the room is totally untreated.


Generally you want to minimize reflections from the monitors hitting the walls and then reflecting to the mixing position. I would start with the side and rear walls and ceiling at the appropriate places. One trick is to put a mirror on the surface and if you can see the monitors in the mirror from the mixing position then put some treatment there.

> What would you guys recommend for treating a room like this? <

Besides Tex's great advice, you also want to treat all the corners. If you're doing this yourself with raw rigid fiberglass, mount thick panels so they straddle the corners. If treating the four main corners does not give enough bass trapping, there's also plenty of corner area at the top of the walls where they meet the ceiling.
