Reverb Plug-a-boo?


New member
I'm trying to recreate a reverb on my Digitech Studioquad that has an LFO to control the wet/dry levels.

So... can anyone suggest a reverb plugin (VST or DX) that responds to MIDI CCs, or one that has some way of automating the wet/dry levels?
Are the parameters of the reverb effect in Cubase automatable? If they are, couldn't you "write" the changes sort of like automating fades and pans? This isn't something I have tried myself, but I would imagine that it would be worth a shot.

Thanks for the reply.

Using the automation function on the mixer panel does work... but it's a lot of work to do for an entire track. Plus it's a real pain to edit compared to CCs.

I did manage to work out a pretty crappy solution using a group with a very slow tremelo going into a reverb - at least I was able to match the tremelo to the bpm.

I guess I'll just have to hang on to the Studioquad for a while.