reverb monitoring but recording dry


New member

I have a yamaha mt8x 8 track recorder. Its set up with a behringer dsp 1000 in the auxilary. i can hear the reverb fine and control it, but i dont want to record the reverb, it is soley there to help my sister hear herself clearer.

The mixer is plugged into my computers line in the sound is great but i use cubase to record and all i want is the dry sound so i can add the reverb later.

Any ideas?

cheers :)
Not sure the specs of your machine but you should have seperate cue (monitor) mix and main mix outputs. See if you can assign the aux. to just the cue mix and have your sister's cans assigned to the cue (monitor) mix. Then run your main output to the comp for a dry signal. That is, I'm assuming you are monitoring directly out of the Yammie. If thats a no go then you could send the monitor outputs to your verb unit and then send that back in on a channel on the yammie and just monitor that track without sending it to main output.

Still no?

If all else fails save a few bucks and buy a headpone amp then just put the reverb between the source and the headphone amp and have your sissy's cans plugged in there. Such headphone amps can be purchased from trusty names like Behringer :rolleyes: . However since I refuse to hae a Behri peace crowd my rack I got a Rolls 6-Channel HA used for 50 bucks. lol
Basically i have the mic plugged into channel one, with the verb unit attached to the aux return and send on the mixer. then i have the stereo outs going to the line in on my card. i have a left and right monitoring jack. What if i plugged i plugged the monitor into the verbs input and and output the verb bk into the the second channel?....but still everything that i hear from the yamaha is recorded...theres gotta be another way.

my head hurts lol
there's your problem you have, you are recording to your pc from the mixers main outs......if you are recording into your pc then you cant use the aux unless your board is a recording board and has tape outs & tape ins. but in your case i dont think it does you'll have to use the pc's recording software whichever one you are using and use the plug ins.
Instead of bringing the reverb back on the aux return, bring it back on a separate channel, and send this channel to the cue mix but not the recorder. Unless your headphone amp has an aux input, in which case you could send the reverb's output directly to that.