Retracking of a Blues song-Last one to know

I listened to this one the other day and never got around to commenting. Sorry!! :o Good to see a 2nd mix up.

I vaguely remember this song. I think it's good, but needs a lot of work on the mix. Drums most notably. Comments already centered around the snare and crash cymbals. I think you need to find a better balance between the kick, snare, bass and vocals. Weren't you using ezdrummer before?? This isn't ezd, is it?

Some good ol sweet blues jammin goin on there. Love that kind of stuff.

Cool man!!

I took the drum tracks and made it into one stereo track-I need to use the individual parts to balance them better. Live and learn.....:o

And by the way, did you ever get you a Tele-was it one of the GFS Xaviere models? I like mine a lot-the necks are nice and wide-that works great for me!

You are correct, not EZD on this project...
QUOTE=Zaphod B;3507199]Hey, Tony, nice tune. :) I do like the unexpected progression in there; it's a nice change of pace for what would otherwise be a "regular ol'" blues tune.

Thanks Tommy, I tossed in some chromatic climbs for something 'off the wall'...

I'll not comment on the mix because others have done that and I know you're still working on it. Except to say that the cymbal crash right before and at the end of the harp solo (which I like a lot) is taking my head off. :D Also, the crashes don't seem to be decaying in very natural sounding way. :confused:

I'm gonna try to work out those parts this weekend-I've got a couple of acoustic gigs but they are lots of fun and sound is already provided and set-up. Just walk in with the instruments and play our asses off--WOO_HOO!!!!!

Good guitar tones. The Strat at the end sounds great. The other solos sound good, too, but I think they're a tad overdriven. Nothing to be done about that unless you re-record and at any rate that's a matter of taste.

Ah, you must have listened to the 1st mix-I cut that on mix #2 regrettably-I may resurrect it on mix #3!

The only other comment I'll make concerns the rhythm guitar. The strumming kind of reminds me of old-skool country strumming which is cool but strikes me as maybe a little at odds with the overdriven sound used on the solos. If it were me I'd use a little more edge on the rhythm and maybe less of a laid-back style. Still, though, if it's accomplishing what you want it to, all good!
Nice work. :drunk:[/QUOTE]

I think when I started recording the Firebird, I started cranking up the gain for it, then upped the gain on the other guitars.:eek: I have a track with the maple top Tele that is closer to a Fender Tweed sound-way less gain to it-that I may insert as the 1st lead this time too. And just wondering, does your Melody Maker with the single coils have a tone similar to my P-90 MM? That guitar is like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde-it can get scary!!!:cool:
QUOTE=Zaphod B;3507199] And just wondering, does your Melody Maker with the single coils have a tone similar to my P-90 MM? That guitar is like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde-it can get scary!!!:cool:
It's kind of hard to tell, Tony. My MM is very bright and snappy - the single-coils are really hot and the picking dynamics can keep it laid back or unleash some really raw-sounding guitar that pushes an amp hard. Yours sounds a bit smoother; I'm thinking that that's because your P-90 isn't quite as hot, and not as focused-sounding as a narrower single-coil.

(Sorry I missed your post, BTW.)
Really dig this song, would love to hear it live with a full band just rockin' out! I don't know if its just me since no one else has brought it up, but I hear quite a bit of white noise in both recordings, maybe think about isolating the track and adding a limiter to it. really great tune though, something I would dig playing!
Love blues rockers like this. Lots of hiss though?

Drums seem really big and pronounced, especially compared to the bass and rhythm guitars. If that's taste, then kudos to you. I wouldn't mix like that but if you like it, then it ain't wrong.