Research on hit songs beats per minute


New member
At some point there was some study that pinpointed what the most popular songs of the last 30 years were, and a consistent beats per minute was discussed. Apparently that BPM syncs and/or grooves with the human body to some degree and it just "feels" comfortable.

Anyone remember this and/or have data or thoughts about it? Thanks
Here's my theory:

The hit song will have a danceable tempo, say aroujnd 120 - 140. If the beat is strong and the tempo is lively, the girls are going to dance. If the girls dance, then the guys will dance (no guy will dance unless it's to dance with a girl!!). If the guys are dancing, then they are buying beer. If they are buying beer, then the bar owner is happy and he's dancing.

The next morning, the girl is all happy and the guy is in horror. She wants marriage and he wants to puke. She's still dancing and he's running. Running back to the bar to get drunk again where the bar owner is still dancing.

Everybody buys the download. A ahppy ending and a hit song. Danceable Beat gets my vote!!! :D :D :D :D

(Sorry, I just couldn't resist :o )
The average resting pulse is between 60-80 BPM. The Pulse has a minor and major element. The Nine Inch Nails unedited video of "Closer" has a pig heart hooked up to a pacemaker illustrating this. It's not unusual that a dance tune at 140 BPM will elicit movement when it is in sync with the heart pulse. As movement increases through dance the pulse increases and then syncs with the musical beat and prolonged dancing results in aerobic exercise know for it's health benefits and side effects of releasing endorphans and stimulating neurotransmitter function. As a form of traditional courtship and mating ritual, dancing is a major player in the development of many relationships. Music evokes the emotions that were present at that initial moment when interest and arousal occurred. Movements describe an algorithm which can predict the potential for successful courtship and each of us has a mathematical formula (biorhythm) inherent within us that responds to a specific movement algorithm.
I remember hearing or reading (several years ago) about a study of BPM - and if my memory is correct 120bpm was the magic number......although I have no doubt that anything around that range will get the toes a tappin'