Rerecording EP Due To Theft From Someone On This Forum!

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OK, not going into detail but I will say I have lost in the neighborhood of $500.00 to $700.00 in money & gear. That said, I'm looking to beef up my master recordings with my Tascam 38. Thinking of using three tracks for drums. I'll use my overheads and tom mics bussed in to two tracks and a Shure SM57 near the kick for the snap and my homemade subkick on another track. What would be the best tracks to use on bass & vox. I think it's best to put bass on track 1 or 8 right? and vocals on the inner tracks? Also, do I want to separate the bass from the kick tracks? Any help would be appreciated. To the individual who STOLE my stuff do not bother to add any advice of any kid to this post.
I agree, if there's someone here who can't be trusted....

Anyway, I'm sorry that happened to you.

Yeah, put the more delicate stuff like vocals in the middle tracks. I have found myself putting kick and bass on or towards outer tracks especially since the high end on the outer tracks can be a little wobbly on our machine, can't quite get the azimuth bang-on, really need to send the headstack out for a report but don't have the dough!

I've been enjoying using a 3-mic drum technique for three tacks on our 8-track, mainly I've been sticking a D112 in the kicks and using a spaced pair of Josephson C42s for overheads, nice and simple and a good image of the kit too, but of course there's nothing wrong with summing a larger mic array on the way in so long as you're very careful to avoid phasing problems and get your balances right on the way in! I intended with my last couple recordings to sum toms and overheads to two tracks on the way in, but wound up getting what I wanted out of just the overhead mics and some compression on the way in. Go figger'. Best to start simple and add only what you really need.
I've had good results with three mics on drums on three tracks, a SM57 knockoff in teh kick, a real SM57 on snare and an inexpensive condenser (AT3040 I think) over the ride/floor tom. The cymbals come out a little thin sounding, but not in a bad way if that makes sens. then I pan the kick center, the snare mic a little right the overhead a little left, like you're looking at the kit. Then I used separate reverb on the snare and overhead, and panned the reverb return opposite, using a separate channel on mix.
The last song I recorded I used 2 Shure KSM-27's as overheads then Shure SM-57's on toms to bring out their sound a little more. Unfortunately that was one of the songs that were stolen so I can't remember how it turned out. were kind of in a rush to get the EP out again so we have something to sell at our shows. So do you think I should try to run the kick on track 1, overheads panned left and right on tracks 3 & 5, bass track 8, lead guitar track 2, rhythm guitar track 7, and vox on track 5 & 6. That way the more silent or sonically important tracks can be in the middle and away from the bass to cut down on any bleed that might occur..
The first part was more of a rant then anything else. I'm not sure of the legalities of posting his name. From what I have heard I can post names and dates if what I say is provable. In this case I have all the messages back and forth since the beginning and all the missed dates and broken promises. I'll give it some thought.
You can always just post the circumstances of the transaction and what expectations of yours weren't met. That wouldn't be the same as calling them a thief outright.
I'm not sure of the legalities of posting his name. From what I have heard I can post names and dates if what I say is provable.

You have to tread very carefully here. If someone has stolen something from you, then that is a matter for the police. It is not a matter for public debate on a forum. If you have proof, then that evidence should go to the police. You could create a whole mess of legal trouble for yourself if you go public with an unsubstantiated allegation. Even if the allegation is substantiated, airing it in a forum will not get you back what has been stolen. It will only fuel the appetite of the voyeuristic thrill-seekers.
Voyeuristic thrill-seekers notwithstanding, some of us trade gear on this forum and might be wary of continuing to do so now that we know that not everyone here is on the level.
Good points all around; it's ultimately dodge's business how he wants to handle his situation, though it's natural that our concerns would be aroused when a thread with a title reading "Due To Theft From Someone On This Forum!" pops up. I'm no thrill seeker, I just want to know who not to do business with here.

Aaannnnyway, why don't we re-focus the discussion on something fruitful like dodeaspen's original questions regarding tracking methods. I've already said my part there.
sorry to hear about the bum deal, but i do think it would be helpful to maybe give a brief rundown of the situation!
Yeah...I agree.
If a real theft's not something to bring up on an open forum, and then avoid talking about it when people ask for some details and clarification, and if the person is still on these forums, maybe you need to involve the police and bring it out into the open so no one else gets scammed.

Not sure how someone on the forums could steal money and gear from you without you being able to press charges.
Sorry, I had a show last night and didn't get in until late. I will post the specifics of the situation maybe latter today.
That would be helpful to understand what the "theft" is and then to provide some legal options you may have.
Yes, I agree. As for the Police, I did contact them in his state and was told it was a civil dispute. Also contacted the Attorney Generals in both states and since he is a private person it was not within their jurisdiction to involve themselves in this matter. At this time I believe to be wise not to reveal the name in question. Thanks for the advice, I will take it into consideration.
Without revealing his name...and just to quell some basic curiosity... did someone steal money and gear from you, if they are in another state?

I'm guessing with the money it could be some electronic transfer thing...but gear?
How did physical gear get from state to state without your involvement?
Did you sell something...ship it...and then not get paid for it???
Or...did you buy something...paid for it...and never got it???
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