Requirements when buying or building a computer


New member
My set up:
Alesis HD24 w/ethernet
Audio phile BX8 nearfield monitors
Behringer 32x8x2 mixer
Drum machine and keyboard w/midi

When recording I take the hard drive caddy out of th Alesis. Then take it into the house to mix it . Cubase SE but I also have Cakewalk XL Home studio. I am trying to save myself unneed trips. And the sound will be better coming out my monitors.

What I want:
2 Midi connections In/Out
Dual Monitors
CD read and write
Ethernet connect
DVD Drive mostly for making quick CD Copies
Yeah I guess your right. I did not finish neither. My statement is I have no limit on my budget. My question is What kind of processor, sound card, accesories etc. do I need to To run the software and recording setup that I have?
Sorry about that.
I'll save you alot of trouble and headache.

Pick your soundcard first. Then check compatibility and optimized hardware from the manufacturer and build the system around the soundcard. Most people that have problems have done it the other way around.

that makes way to much sense.....

Hard2Hear said:
I'll save you alot of trouble and headache.

Pick your soundcard first. Then check compatibility and optimized hardware from the manufacturer and build the system around the soundcard. Most people that have problems have done it the other way around.


watch out for the intel/amd camp followers.....

saw billy b. yesterday and gave him those mics for the church group. Guess what, he's not crazy anymore......not!

good luck with your new projects, H2H!