Requesting advice on digital recording


New member
A while ago I got a digital 8-track, the Fostex FD-8. It uses a SyQuest ezyflyer (230mbs) as a hardrive. Just recently I replaced my old computer, an old Macintosh LCIII, which I still have lying around. My question is, is it possible to connect the computer to the 8-track to extend the amount of recordable time? Do I need to get some new gadget? What software should I need? I'm hoping someone with some knowledge can help my out. Thanks in advance.
I don't think they are compatible, Fostex uses their own proprietary code on the syquest drive. You'll just have to get a bigger drive for more time.
My Korg D8 has a 1.3 gig internal drive, but that wasn't nearly enough for us.
We hooked up a jaz drive to the unit (2 gigs) and now we've got tons of room for work and we have storage for all our finished songs.
Jaz is the way to go.