Request me software

Pearl SMX

New member
Hey. Ok, so im getting into recording for entertainment, recording my band, and maybe even lead to a career, because I love music so much, and it would be my dream to work with music as a career.

Anyways, so im getting some help with what I need equitment wise. Now, right now I have a Toshiba Satellite laptop :mad: . But for highschool, I am getting an iBook, so i'll use that when I get it, but for the mean time, I have this piece of junk.

Which leads me to my point: I NEED SOFTWARE!!! Now, im a n00b when it comes to all this, so I dont know what to look for, or what I need. I want something that is fairly easy to use, but im pretty good with computers, but I dont want software that will take me forever just to learn. I also want it to be as cheap as possible, but I want to pay for quality. I want it to just do what I need to make my band a few cd's, and also record some bands around school to get some extra cash for my band to use on more equitent/merch. So yeah, what would be good software for me??

Thanks a lot..
My obligatory standard reply that I keep in Wordpad:

Immediately get a good beginner recording book (spend $20 before spending hundred$/thousand$) that shows you what you need to get started and how to hook everything up in your studio:

Good Newbie guide that also explains all the basics:

Other recording books:

Plenty of software around to record for free to start out on:



Other freebies and shareware: