Reputation? Rep Power?

believe me, this is a frustration i had in the beginning. you can give people rep points (negative or positive) by clicking on the little "justice scales" at the top right of their post (be discriminating in your use of neg rep). in the "comments" box, write a comment and sign your name--this allows ppl to see who's giving them rep. someone's rep power is directly proportionate to how many points they can give you. if a guy who has 1 rep power gives you pos rep, you get 1 reputation point (not rep power--that's like a cumulative thing of how many posts you've made, how many points you've accumulated, length of membership, etc). if a guy who has 1500 rep power gives you neg rep, you end up w/ minus 1500 points.

at least that's what it seems to me...others may know more, i've only been here a couple months...

to "return the favor" just find a post by that person and click on the scales, and hook 'em up! this only works if they signed their rep--if they didn't, accept it as an anonymous gesture of goodwill. Have fun out there! :D
new people and people with very little rep power can't give out much rep. It shows up grey/blue in the User CP and doesn't do much to your numbers. Guys with higher rep power can boost lower power people easier. Basically it's supposed to mean the veterans of this site have more power over the rep than the newer guys. I don't really know all the specifics, and I've been here awhile too. I just know that what really matters is the Green vs. Red....but then again, that's ideally. Also I think posts have something to do with it.
Here on the site a lot of people just give positive and negative rep out like crazy for no reason. So you'll see a lot of new guys with a ton of rep because they started a post saying "Give me rep" and a bunch of people gave it to him. You'll learn just to pay attention to a persons amount of posts and his willingness to help you with a question. It usually means they've been around the block a few times.
well, It's nothing too exciting, but I'm just getting started. I happened upon this site about 1 week ago. since then I've been doing tons of research on home recording, and it sounded interesting. I decided after seeing my friend's setup, I wanted one. I just got a line 6 UX2 toneport, and a relatively nice condencer mike w/ shockmount from for my acoustic. I have a bass, another crappy mike, martin dreadnaught, and (my friends have old electric guitars I could buy/borrow if I find the need later) I'm just excited to start. I'm also getting mackie traction 2 software. I hope it's fun
Getting ANY new stuff is alwaysd exciting, and always something to play with and learn. Have fun and let us know how it goes.

Even better, post samples :)

\/\/1|_|_ said:
well, It's nothing too exciting, but I'm just getting started. I happened upon this site about 1 week ago. since then I've been doing tons of research on home recording, and it sounded interesting. I decided after seeing my friend's setup, I wanted one. I just got a line 6 UX2 toneport, and a relatively nice condencer mike w/ shockmount from for my acoustic. I have a bass, another crappy mike, martin dreadnaught, and (my friends have old electric guitars I could buy/borrow if I find the need later) I'm just excited to start. I'm also getting mackie traction 2 software. I hope it's fun
I've got a question. This is no attack or anything but Will, you've been here 6 days, 20 posts, rep power of zero, but a lot of green chicklets. How the hell did you get to change the blurb under your name already?
I got sum stupid neg reps.
There was a thread about gun control I brought the shoot first ask questions later law up they just passed in florida and I received negative rep for it.
Some people use it to attack people.
I havent flamed anyone on here.
And theres alot of negative people who just talk shit when someone is trying to ask for help.
I think its unfair, but its not hurting me none
bennychico11 said:
You'll learn just to pay attention to a persons amount of posts and his willingness to help you with a question. It usually means they've been around the block a few times.

Look @ Me! around 100 post given some good info and still notorius around these parts. Got caught in a slamfest :mad: forum which I will never do again. I wonder if people take me seriously? :D
"I've got a question. This is no attack or anything but Will, you've been here 6 days, 20 posts, rep power of zero, but a lot of green chicklets. How the hell did you get to change the blurb under your name already" -Mitosis
Umm.. so, I posted a question or two, (modest and innocent), and someone left me a private message "fuck you you motherfucking newbie" :mad: and it repeated some time. I'm not sure why they gave me that message, but it was someone with rep power cuz I was like -129 or something and all red. so I was kina shooken up :( , cuz it was like my 2nd day on the forum. So, the next day I had another private message, and it was a good one. SSScientist or some othe kind soul had given me some good rep, and all of a sudden I was really good lookin' (on the comp). (I'm guessing that this is why I could change the blurb thing that I didn't actually even know about) yeah, that's how that goes.
someone else also suggested posting some samples after I've recorded, however I've only got a dial-up connection here and my computers internet runs really slow. I can't even click on some samples, music, or pics, (that's how slow it runs), but If I'm really proud of something, I'll let my comp run all night, or get it to someone elses.
thanks for the rep boost.
Theres alot of cool people on here but they get overshadowed by the others.
Myspace is worst people get slammed for everything in the forum.
there professional shit talkers.
dirtyp said:
I got sum stupid neg reps.
There was a thread about gun control I brought the shoot first ask questions later law up they just passed in florida and I received negative rep for it.
Some people use it to attack people.
I havent flamed anyone on here.
And theres alot of negative people who just talk shit when someone is trying to ask for help.
I think its unfair, but its not hurting me none

Ha. Somehow, not sure, I have "-76 points total". I've posted once, and the post was a legit post. So yeah, I don't get the rep thing, but it doesn't really bother me anyway
RoninSeraph said:
Ha. Somehow, not sure, I have "-76 points total". I've posted once, and the post was a legit post. So yeah, I don't get the rep thing, but it doesn't really bother me anyway
People probably assumed that since you inidcated you were using both sonar and Cubase that you were using pirated versions.

That's the only thing I can think you got neg repped for.

You can see what comments were left by going into your user CP.
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Rep doesn't reaslly mean shit, just hang out in the cave and you're bound to get some...I mean look at me :D
fraserhutch said:
People probably assumed that since you inidcated you were using both sonar and Cubase that you were using pirated versions.

That's the only thing I can think you got neg repped for.

You can see what comments were left by going into your user CP.

Oh I've seen the comments. How can I forget such comments as, "Go fuck your mom you stupid mother fucking newbie" haha.

Anyway, as for the pirate thing. Eh, I guess that's what happens when people assume. Because everyone knows no one on the planet could afford *Gasp* both of them!

*Shrugs* Oh well. I come here to read the threads and help mainly anyway, not post.