Replacement capsules for MXL 603S or new SDCs?


New member
Somehow, very mysteriously, it seems both my 603s' got their diaphragms busted. They were just sitting up on their shockmount/t bar over the drum set with a sandbag on the base. My roommate's always whining about why I don't just leave everything set up so we can record whenever. Well I did, and now he has his answer. They just output random bursts of white noise, and hiss. When I unscrew the capsules, it's clean again, so I'm assuming it's the capsules. Oh, and the front screens are both dented in. Man, this blows!

And I e-mailed MXL, and they don't sell replacement capsules. So I guess I've got a few options now. I thought of getting the 604s' and since they have 2 pairs of capsules, I could use one pair on the 603s I already have. But I was already considering replacing the 603s altogether with maybe Studio Projects C4s(which also have extra capsules) or the Studio Electronics SE1As. Now would the capsules from the C4s fit the 603s? And what do people think of the C4s vs the SE1As? And also, does anyone know of any way to just get replacement capsules?

Thanks a billion!
can't you get omni caps for the 603s now? Ig ues sin your case you would have permanat omnis, but better than throwing them away.

Without hearing the noise it's hard to say but I'm going to take a guess that your problem could be moisture in the capsules. If this is the problem, it can be fixed by warming the capsules for a lengthy period........easiest and safest method is to set the capsules up near a 60 watt light bulb, close enough that they are comfortably warm, NOT HOT! Leave them there for as long as possible........from memory, I'd be looking at 8 hours minimum but it could be trial and error.

If that fixes the noise, in future put the mics away when not in use and pack some silica gel packs in with them.

(1) What Harvey Gerst said. The 603/604 Omni capsule kit (which also works on the MXL991) costs about $50, and sounds fine---but that doesn't solve the problem if you need the (different sounding) Cardioid capsules.

(2) The C4, like the 604, doesn't come with an "extra" capsule, it comes with two different capsules

(3) Ya never know, but I don't know if I want to screw my C4 capsule on to that pointy post to find out for you. I really like the bell-clear sound of my C4 mics and I don't want to take chances with them. I just don't know enough about this aspect of these mics. Why not pose the question to PMI?

(4) It realy looks like your roomie has some fessin'-up to do.

Is there a possibility that your Drummer might have Hit the Mics with his sticks while playing (also causeing the dents in the screen) ?? As that can cause some dammage but I don"t think it should bust the Capsule but it might break something else or make a wire lead come loose.....

You might want to take a Look inside the Mics and see if there are any loose wires or anything that is odviously broken.....

To me it seems that breaking a Capsule would be quite difficult as a capsule is Just the Diaphram the ring that holds the diaphram and a couple wires to deliver the polarizing voltage and transfer the audio signal, so unless there is a Hole in the Diaphram or one if the wires has come loose then I doubt it is a busted diaphram......

Like was allready mentaioned before it could be Moisture on the capsule as Drying the mics out whould fix that problem....

Good luck

PS: If it turns out to be busted and you replace them with new mics I might be interested in the Brokem ones as I may be able to repiar them or use them for parts...Let me know what you do with them....

The diaphragms look a little dented and warped, and the little holes on the back of them have cracks. I tried drying them, but that didn't help. None of the components or wires on the pcb look loose. If I got the 604s, then I could use the omni caps on these 603s. Should make a pretty good stereo room pair. But I'd prefer to get the C4s, especially if the capsules are compatible with the 603s. 58 bucks seems like a lot for 1 replacement capsule. If I end up getting rid of these capsules, I'll let you know. Thanks!
amzavareei said:
But I'd prefer to get the C4s, especially if the capsules are compatible with the 603s. 58 bucks seems like a lot for 1 replacement capsule. If I end up getting rid of these capsules, I'll let you know. Thanks!

Before anything else, either go to PMI's (Studio Projects) own forum OR email Brent casey there and ask him if there is compatability between the MXL capsules and the SP capsules.........why ask him, because he was mic "designer", etc., at MXL before he went to work at PMI.

Personally, $58 is relatively cheap for a capsule and if it fixes your problems then it really is a cheap fix.

ausrock said:
Before anything else, either go to PMI's (Studio Projects) own forum OR email Brent casey there and ask him if there is compatability between the MXL capsules and the SP capsules.........why ask him, because he was mic "designer", etc., at MXL before he went to work at PMI.

To save you time, no the C4 capsules won't fit MXLs. They are smaller and have different thread pitch.
$58 isn't that cheap when I need two of them, an they're omni capsules, no the cardioids I'd rather have. And that would be over half what it would cost to get the 604 set. So I guess I'd be better off getting the 604s, and then have 4 working mics, but I wanted to spend that money on some all over better mics. Oh well, I guess that's fine. Maybe I could sell both pairs seperately and buy an se1a or c4 set then. Thanks for all your help guys.
amzavareei said:
$58 isn't that cheap when I need two of them, an they're omni capsules, no the cardioids I'd rather have. And that would be over half what it would cost to get the 604 set. So I guess I'd be better off getting the 604s, and then have 4 working mics, but I wanted to spend that money on some all over better mics. Oh well, I guess that's fine. Maybe I could sell both pairs seperately and buy an se1a or c4 set then. Thanks for all your help guys.

I think it's $58 for the pair of caps, iirc.
What Marik said.

The MXL 603/604(/991) Omni capsule kit contains two omni capsules for $50.

604 ?

I'm not sure if the 604 capsules fit, but why not get yerself two 604 mics? They come with cardioid and omni capsules. I just paid $99 x 2 for a pair. (actually the gc guy knocked a bit off, so less then that)

Throw the 604s up above your drums (if that's where you want your pads) and use the 603s wherever (acoustic?) with the spare capsules.

Again, check that they'll fit yer 603s first

Yeah Obi, that's kind of what I was planning. But when these were OK, I was just considering getting some new SDCs, so it seems kind of a waste when I could just use that money towards some C4s or SE3As. But yeah, they do fit, that's what MXL says.
old ones

Did you toss the old capsules? Send 'em to me - I'd love to disect them (with pictures for all here if y'all want)
Well, I'm gonna keep them, at least until I get new ones, to be 100% sure they are in fact the problem. But I'll be back here when I do know! Probably be getting the 604s next week, so I'll keep you posted.