Replace Kick Drum Hits


New member
Hey everyone. I don't have my "mobile rig" finished yet, but I've been doing some recording for a videographer of mine using a Fostex VF160ex. What I do is go on location, record using the fostex from direct outs on the board, then back the recording up to CD. After that, I transfer the audio to my computer & get to work with Sonar.

I had a problem this weekend. For some reason, the kick drum mic I recorded gave me a distorted signal all night long. The .wav file has all of the hits in there, but it's very distorted. I wasn't clipping at all, my snake is good (I checked again today). I'm not sure where the distortion came from, but now I need to see what I can do to fix it.

I'm new to a lot of this. I know I can replace the hits with something like drumagog(sp?), but I'm not sure if that's what everyone would recommend or not. I'm open to any suggestions! If I have to go buy more software, I'd have to do it sooner or later........if it'll help me fix this type of problem, then I'm all for it!
Hey, I'd say use drumagog. Download the Drumagog 3 demo if you can find it. In there is a sample of a Yamaha kick that sounds pretty good. EQ the kick track so only pretty much only the kick shows in the wave form and then do the Direct X (I think that's the format of drumagog 3) plugin on the track and you're good to go. I'm happy with the yamaha, it may not be right for you, but I think it will be your best bet, give it a shot.
Great! Thanks for the help! Hopefully it's pretty self-explanatory, but I'll post back if I have any problems.

The yamaha kick sounds like it'll be a good idea (I play recording customs :D ) The band I recorded was a reggae band....I'm thinking off the top of my head that it'll work out ok.

Thanks again!